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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Notes from This Week

I think I have survived this migraine. Every night, a little bit of it comes back to remind me that I should not think that I have won, yet.

My parents are enrolled in their prescription plan. How in the world anyone could expect old people to figure this out on their own, I will NEVER understand. I'm very thankful for the two kind voices on the phone who helped me through this. I laughed out loud when the voice mail attached to the number I called said to check out their website. My parents are 79 and 80. They do not have a computer. Last week when I went to their house to fill the pills, they were playing an 8 track!

I took a very good picture of my parents at the church Christmas party tonight. While cropping it, I noticed that my mom is wearing her old glasses. She has two new pair. Something for me to track down. They did find her purse. I needed medicare cards to sign them up for the new plan. So so very very glad they found her purse. It was stuck way under the front seat of the car. I wonder if her old glasses were in her purse?

I told THGGM tonight that contrary to what HE believes, it does indeed look like Christmas in our home tonight. I made three batches of cookies today. I could not finish one of them, as when I dumped the chocolate chips and butterscotch chips together in the pan, it occurred to me that those chips weren't semi-sweet. Oh, if only I had realized that before I mixed the two bags together. Like I had time to separate the chips. Someone should invent a magnet for this sort of error. Although, I suppose I could just read the bag before I open it. Oh, well. My freezer is filling up with things I should not eat.

My dining room table looks like a bird flew into a fan. Somehow, feathers removed themselves from the bag and took a spin around the table. Unfinished projects. It says 'Christmas' to me.

"The Heart of the Family" is now in the category of 'books I have read'. I really liked it. A lot. Dog eared many pages. Now I am reading John Grisham's "Skipping Christmas". This is the first Grisham book I have read.

Baby Boy had his first molar come through this week. It made him extremely sweet and extremely cuddly. Yesterday I saw him leaning on the giant footstool that has taken over the living room. He had his index finger way back in his mouth. I asked him "What's wrong?" and he put his index fingertips together signing 'hurt'.

Tomorrow I must paint eight soup cans black. Go to Michael's for white pipe cleaners and something else. The something else will probably keep me awake all night, as it was very important.

Shouldn't there be a way to tell stupid people to just STOP being stupid? I would think that if someone told me to stop being stupid, I would stop. Although, I do not suggest you try this while I am eating chocolate.

The migraine song running through my head this week has been Burl Ives singing 'Have a Holly Jolly Christmas'. It. Won't. Stop.

Time seems to be running funny lately. I pulled out some of my favorite Christmas reading material, and it seemed like I had just read it. I used to tremble with excitement to read them. I suppose if I added up just how many years I have been reading some of them, it would explain it. I simply MUST read "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". Even though it seems I just did.

I could go on like this all night. I had coffee at 5:30. But, no. All good things must come to an end. I must go separate the chips, finish the cookies and clean up the kitchen.

And me, already being a pumpkin.


Anonymous said...

Are you certain you must separate the chips? Sometimes mistakes turn out better than originals!!

Hugs for your poor head...so sorry about the migraines...nasty things! I left chocolate alone tonight at the granddaughter's birthday dinner so I hope to escape one myself...not totally sure what all triggers them but I do suspect the chocolate!

By the way, the photo of your parents is wonderful...they look so happy!

Jill said...

Ahhh - cookies and decorations. Noah and I set up our Chritmas village yesterday and installed "trees" today, made from a pine branch I trimmed into little trees. Then, when I wasn't looking, he dumped pine needles all over the "snow". Sounds fine, but it looked horrible. I had to whip up another blizzard of fresh snow right there and then.

I know what you mean about the songs going over and over. Where I work, it's non-stop Christmas music. It's a gift shop. Except for many of the prices, I think you would LOVE it, Judy. Especially Radko, reproduced ornaments and things like bubble lights from the 40's, 50's, 60's.

Poor Baby Boy. Molars must be awful to get.

Melissa said...

Oh, at least his has his...it took my K forever to get her teeth - and as soon as she was done with her molars a few months ago she started on her two-year-molars...she is 2.5 and sometimes you put your finger back there and the huge lump makes you wonder how she can stand it and then in goes back down and no molars come through...

Your grandparent's look sweet in that photo - very happy and lovable.

Oldest son's suggestion for the ornaments turned out wonderful!!

cathy said...

am a lurker, but decider to decloak and tell you about the medication my doctor gave me for migraines. mine were terrible and just went on and on. she put me on this tiny little pill call topamax and it is unbelievable. i have not had a headache of any sort since july. i haven't gone that long without a headache in 45 years or more! that's my news from here in the deep south where the weather has done a strange turn and we can't wear our chrustmas finery because it is 75 degrees outside! merry christmas! cathy in alabama