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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Oh, Silly Me

Tonight while browsing through eBay, I accidentally bid $500.00 on a set of Happy Meal Toys.

I do believe that the epitome of embarrassment is having to pass the laptop over to THGGM and ask him to fix it for me.

And, now he knows. I bid on Happy Meal Toys.

To be perfectly honest, I've NEVER done that before. I buy them at thrift stores and antique malls.

I hope he believes me.

I wonder what this will mean for my 'rising star' status?

It took him awhile, but he did finally find out how to withdraw a bid. And, he was kind enough to redo a maximum bid of $5.00 for me.

He is a good man.

I, on the other hand, am an idiot.

Daughter was here. She is not one to let things slide.

She said "I can see how you can make a mistake ONCE, but why did you confirm your bid?"



Melodee said...

So funny!

By the way, when we lived in Atlanta, MI, we once drove to Grand Rapids for a church thing and then went shopping at thrift stores/antique malls. It is one of my fond memories of Michigan.

I always meant to tell you that.

MissKris said...

Let's face it...you and I are two of a kind, computer dinosaurs of the finest kind, lol! I couldn't laugh because that's why I stay away from Ebay...I KNOW I'd get in to trouble if I try doing anything there, haha! At least THGGY was able to rescue you! Have a great weekend, Judy. I probably won't be back til Monday or Tuesday...I'm spending the weekend at the kids' house with the grandbaby and grand poopies while the kids go to Seattle for the weekend. My son's trying to become a cop and has to take some tests up there. Please pray for him! (((HUG)))

Gina said...

That seller must have been very happy! For ten minutes or so, anyway! ;)

Anvilcloud said...

I can relate in a general sort of way. The bid was a slip of the fingers, and the confirmation was a slip of the mind. You were expecting to confirm $5, and your finger moved before the real amount registered on your brain.

Anonymous said...

Wow...that is scary indeed! So glad hubby was able to fix it. Well, some days are like this..things just don't always go as we might think!

Yvonne said...

That is one of my biggest nightmares! Now that you actually did it, I will double check myself every time! Pretty funny, though! By the way - I think I have some Happy Meal Toys to sell you - I'll take $500!!

karla said...

I've always wondered what happens if you accidently type in the wrong amount. I'm relieved to know that nothing is written is stone if you make a mistake entering your bid amount. Phew. Thank goodness you weren't stuff shelling out 500 bucks!

Anonymous said...

I did the same thing once, and believe me, I figured out how to rectify the situation very quickly, even though I am practically computer illiterate!
Baby boky has the most beautiful eyes.


Linda said...

That is a frightening scenario. My husband has had to fix some of my idiot mistakes too, bless him.

Judy said...


And, I didn't even win them with my high bid of $5.00.