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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saint Nicholas Party

Only 10 days after St. Nicholas Day, we had our family party.
We started celebrating St. Nicholas Eve when THGGM worked in retail.
We rarely saw him around the holidays, so we, being the good Dutch people that we are, decided to celebrate on St. Nicholas Eve, with a party for which we drew names, and bought a gift for our 'special person'.
THGGM no longer works in that environment, and is even relaxed around the holidays, but the tradition has stuck. Somewhat. We just change the date every year.

This is officially Baby Boy's first Christmas. He seems impressed.

I didn't get pictures of everyone as they opened their 'special person' gift, but I did get MOST.

If we look at tad bit lethargic, it is due to the meal we just had. We never did get to the pecan pie.

I think the majority of the gifts were books.

That's a good thing, as the majority of the family likes to receive books!

My gift? Two framed pictures of Baby Boy. Son-in-law made the most beautiful frames!
One is a large oak frame that he routed himself, which holds a very large black and white picture of Baby Boy. The other one holds a collage of pictures, one from each month of Baby Boy's life. I LOVE them both!

1 comment:

MissKris said...

And gifts like the ones you received are the very best kind of all, handmade and full of such thought and love. My d-i-l told me on Friday that, if they can afford it, they're most likely going to the Midwest next year to spend Christmas with her mom. At first my heart kind of kerplopped down into my stomach -- but she has as much right to spend Christmas with her family as our son does with us. I will never, ever, never, ever dictate how they spend their holidays. NEVER!!!! I told Dear Hubby we can just celebrate ours with them just before or just after they come home, if they decide to go there. I am so incredibly tired of 33 years of static on Christmas, I think I'd go out and do the hula-hoop in the middle of the freeway for my d-i-l to avoid any kind of hassles. Your St. Nicholas party sounds like such a wonderful idea. I'm not Dutch but maybe it'd be the solution to our problems out this way, ha!