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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

"The Yellow Wallpaper"

One of my favorite sites to visit while Baby Boy naps is Brocante Home www.brocantehome.typepad.com What amazing links one can find there! While visiting this week, I noticed the post on Charlotte Perkins Gillman's book "The Yellow Wallpaper".

I found a copy on line (i know i have it somewhere, but it was much quicker to find on line). My aunt had recommended it to me several years ago. But, I enjoyed reading it again. Well, maybe 'enjoyed' is too strong of a word. Fascinated. Yes. I'll go with that.

Twenty seven years ago I spent what seemed like weeks in a room, mostly alone, which had yellow wallpaper. I liked the yellow wallpaper. I liked it very much. But, I did notice changing patterns and actually could recognize faces of people in the peeling ceiling (peeling ceiling is fun to say!) and the folds of the yellow curtains.

No. Yellow wallpaper holds no ill will with me.

Now. In that same upper apartment in an old boarding house in Grandville with numbered doors (how cool is that!?) was a room. THGGM and I had no idea what to call this room, so "The Room" just sort of stuck.

It had orange and gold wallpaper.

A sixteen inch repeat pattern of orange and gold wallpaper.

Romanesque columns.

With vines hither, thither and yon. And, even beyond "yon".

Hung upside down. Rather than climbing UP the columns, the vines slithered DOWN, as if to catch you and wrap you up and suck the life out of you. And then burp with great satisfaction.

Our landlords LOVED it. They had hung it themselves when they first purchased this old boarding house.

Let me tell you that I can TOTALLY relate to having wallpaper develop a life of it's own.

Let me also tell you that I see pictures and faces and things no one else seems to notice in inanimate objects.

I totally understand "The Yellow Wallpaper".

Google it. It's a short read. You will either hate it because you don't understand it, or love it because you do.


Melissa said...

fascinated by rather than loving the story might be more on the spot...

Debra said...

Thanks for reminding me about Brocante Home! I have that link in my sidebar at my other blog, but I rarely go over there, so I forget to look at the blogs listed there. So after reading your post here I thought duh! I should add Brocante Home (and others at my seldom-visited blog) to the sidebar which I use most and I just may remember to read her blog now! Thanks! Blessings, Debra

MissKris said...

Testing at my end...I've tried for 2 days to get comments to post here. Let's see what happens this time.

MissKris said...

Well, glory be! Miracles DO still happen!

Judy said...

Blogger has been a bit wonky lately.

Arghhh. So hard to complain - it is free.