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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

February Favorites

Oh, yes. A few of my favorite things are toy tea sets!
This is my favorite tea pot. I also have one saucer and one plate in this pattern.
Maybe someday I'll be able to find a few more pieces.
Until then, I find sets here and there.

Some of these were gifts, some where thrift store finds, antique finds or import store finds.

The dotted set I purchased plane with a half price coupon. I'm hoping to do that again, soon.

Of course, I LOVE this one! Oldest Son and Daughter-in-law bought it for me in Aruba.

I think I'm easy to buy for, because I like just about everything.

But, this is TRULY one of my favorite things!

All piled up together, they do not look so charming, but set here and there around a room? I like that. Also, they are never all out at once. And the tiny ones made for doll houses? They remain in a drawer, waiting to see if Famke will some day be the kind of girl who will like to have a doll house of her own.
Never would I think of these as things I 'collect'. If I see one that I like and it is as cheap as I am - I buy it!
For years I have had my eye on a complete toy tea set with a Dutch scene. The price on in was $285.00.
I'd never pay that. But, I do LOVE the Scottie/Westie set I found for $8.00 on clearance. And, if while playing with it a piece or two get broken? Oh, well.
Life is just TOO short not to use the 'good stuff'.


Jeanie said...

I love the tea sets. I have bought one for all three of my grandaughters. One of my favorite memories of a childhood toy is a tea set I had. I wish I knew what happened to it.

Annie said...

Oh Judy, lovely tea sets. I collect tea pots primarilty, but have a few sets, as well.

I recall my Mom bringing something similar back from a vacation in Aruba. I wss in third grade. She also brought back a white, starched Dutch cap and outfit with an organza apron and wooden shoes with windmills on them. She braided "blonde" hair out of yellow yarn and sewed it into the cap. I was quite the sensation at Halloween and won the costume contest!

Annie @ The View from 256

Melissa said...

When I was a child, Mom started me on a couple of 'collections' one was mini-tea sets. I got rid of the ones I don't like but have gathered new ones...I have the one with the pink roses at the back of the second image - it was my first tea set...I got it as a gift for being the flower girl at my uncle's wedding (I had the prettiest dress for that wedding too).

Karen said...

How charming they are! I have several toy tea sets and used to have them set up with teddy bears having tea, in little nooks through out the house. I change things around a lot and put them away. Seeing yours makes me want to get them all out again. One was my grandmother's, another my mom's. My daughter was give three sets one Christmas! I think I'll be off on a tangent today, hunting down tea sets. I love how you use all of your beautiful things, keeping them out to enjoy.