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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hello Mellow Monday

THGGM went back to work this morning.
Why am I so tired, I wonder?
Once the work of the 'vacation' week was over, we did manage to get in quiet a few antique malls.
One, in Spring Lake, is a favorite of ours. I guess one would consider it 'real' antiques. The kind that does not sell metal doll high chairs at affordable prices. No. This one sells great stuff at 'out of reach of the masses prices'. But, it was fun to look anyway. They also have a huge out building with good priced stuff, but in 90 plus weather - the actual hottest day of the summer here - I wasn't about to enter an out building. THGGM said we shall come back when it's cooler and I shall browse.
At our next stop I could have gone wild. It was FILLED with the cute little oddsy-endsy stuff that I like. But, I exercised restraint and only bought a tiny glass Boston Terrier, a small plate to match the children's dishes I'm adding to piece by piece (i now have four pieces!), and five juice glasses. By our third stop we were tired. Both of us KNOW that two antique malls are our absolute limit, but I begged and whined a little and we went to a third. Of course, that was where I found the metal doll high chair.
Jonge, Famke, and Kado came today. They too had had a very busy week/weekend. Sometimes, that makes for a very hard Monday. But today, everyone was very mellow. Kado napped twice, two hours each time. Famke napped her usual two hours - the two hours between Kado's two naps. Funny, how that works. Jonge had a fun afternoon on the computer (thanks, kris, for more good kid's sites!). But they did all play very nicely with MY doll high chair. So did I. No one even had to remind me to share.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you were able to remember your manners!!