Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Randomly She Rolls Along

My first random thought is this one: How to take a good picture of yourself (well. that is if yourself is as sad lookin' as myself is.) Adjust your camera to 'close up' and choose 'macro'. Then, sit in the sun in my daughter's van with the sun roof open. Hold the camera up through the sun roof while looking waaaay up. Snap a few. Then, when you get home, download (or is it upload? i never know which.) and make further adjustment with your photo software. Mine is Corel Photo Album 6. With that I cropped my picture to remove my unsightly nearly bald spot. I opted for 'more exposure' (something i would not normally choose in my life), 'less vividness' (especially after being in the sun), and then blurred myself a bit with 'more sharpness'.
So, there you have it!
Me, looking ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like myself.
For my second random thought I will share with you how hard I am thinking about trying to lose weight. Ever get that? I'm doing VERY WELL thinking about it. If only that would help.

My third random thought is this. Remember that big doll that I bought? Well. I am having a tremendous amount of fun with her. I've found bits and bobs of old clothes for her in drawers around my house. Last week I found her two pairs of booties at the thrift store, and today I bought her baby shoes for a dollar. I hope she doesn't expect to go to a trendy pre-school. This could turn out to be expensive.

And now I move forth to my fourth thought for which I haven't given much forethought. THGGM's vacation is over. Although it was mostly a 'working' vacation for him, he did manage to get in some fun. Cheap fun, but fun just the same. Youngest Son and DiL2 are now making their home in what used to be my parents condo. THGGM's vacation involved a lot of painting, but mostly the dragging of boxes to the thrift store. He's a pretty good trash hauler also.

Fifth thought. Are you a member of "My Life"? I am, but I can no longer remember why. Last year I discovered that someone I had known in my past had died. This was shocking to me. So, since I had "My Life" available to me, I did a search out of morbid curiosity to find out what had happened. Now EVERY WEEK "My Life" seems to think that they have found my dead old friend. It's disturbing and there seems to be no way to stop it. If YOU know a way to stop it, please let me know.

Sixth thought. In my possession are some of the last bits of stuff from my parents former condo. I found a tiny notebook from a trip they took in 1972 in which every last expenditure was recorded. Another little notebook contained YEARS worth of each time my dad applied his various eye drops. Then there's my mom. In her recipe box I found (so far) SIX recipes for fresh peach pie. My dad loved peach pie. Although I know for a fact that she never made one, I am pleased about her hopefulness!
Random thought number seven. Today I spent 50 cents on two cute little plastic people. If you'd like, you can see them at http://www.simplythrift.blogspot.com/. And, I found two sets of children's playing cards which will make their way into some altered creation.

Random #8. Did you read the story about the hoarder woman who was found in her home FOUR months after she died there? Not even cadaver dogs could locate her, as the stench was already too overwhelming BEFORE she died. Oh. My. If that isn't scary enough, a doctor commented that one of the first defining things about a hoarder is the inability to make a decision. Oh. Great. Now what to do? Can't decide which I should do first. Worry, or react? Hmm. Much to ponder while I decide. (i need a cookie.)
Do I have a random ninth thought? Let's see.., since a day has passed since I wrote the first eight, I can now tell you that I have purchased a lovely metal vintage high chair for my big doll. And if the grand kids don't love it, I already know that I do.
Tenth random thought. Do you think there is a deep psychological reason that causes me to buy the toys my sister's had when they were little? They were already school-aged when I came along, and I had toys of my very own. So, why aren't I buying up those? No. I want what they had. Hmm. Good thing my therapy is buying extremely inexpensive toys like my sister's used to have, because I could not afford real therapy.
Random thought #11. Does anybody besides me watch "The Middle"? I'm crazy about Sue Heck. I want to be her friend.
My 12th random thought. I'm really going to miss having bags full of fresh zucchini and summer squash in my refrigerator at all times. REALLY going to miss that. But as far as being sad to see summer go? Not so much. I am sooo ready for fall.
Did anyone bother to read this far? Lately I've been feeling exceptionally boring. So boring that it took me two days to come up with a mere 12 random thoughts.


Lisa in Texas = ) said...

I really enjoyed reading this - this morning! I especially liked #8!
You have a great day!
Lisa :o)

Debra said...

Loved this post! Yes, we watch The Middle, though I only like it sometimes. Sue's house and her mind kinda make me nervous. heh. As in, afraid that I'll turn into her someday. :)

Love how you're buying the toys your sisters had!

Great photo--thanks for the tips!

As for the hoarder, oh dear.... This is why I'm yearning to downsize so that we'll have no room for more stuff. I can't make a decision to save my life. :)

Blessings, Debra

Yvonne said...

The Middle is one of my favorite TV shows! Poor Sue is so geeky and awkward that you can't help but love her! I especially love how excited she gets - the show about the new blue jeans was really good! Can't wait for it to start up again....it is coming back, isn't it???

Pat said...

I'd say your thoughts rolled along very well.
Love your picture! You have beautiful eyes, skin, coloring...sigh.

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

Just got an old doll crib for the doll my sister made me 20 years ago..
Your desire for your sister's toys are good by moi. :0)
Loved reading you right to the very end. (((hugs)))

Melissa said...

I love your picture.

Marguerite said...

I love it when you post your random thoughts. I read the whole thing and went back and reviewed a few of my favorites.

joyce said...

apparently, at least 25 people like to read boring stuff. And you'll never guess my Verification word? "borming". I'm not making that up.
1. your picture of you looks gorgeous. I'm sure you are gorgeous.
2. can't we see the metal high chair? I have a thing for high chairs. I currently have around 4 that I use.
3. zucchini. ditto. I didn't get enough of that this summer.
4. curious. do you still collect the little round people?
5. I like you.

Karen said...

I love your random thoughts posts. I've never heard of The Middle. I tried taking pictures of myself today and they were horrible, so I deleted them all. Perhaps I should try your method.

I love your thoughts about your mom and the peach pie recipes. Too sweet.

And I'm envious of your "new" baby doll. I want one.

*Reading Between the Lines* said...

Loved your picture.
Love your thoughts!
I wish I was as talented as you!
Mommy 2