Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rainy Ol' Saturday

A few weeks back THGGM found the perfect replacement for the 'too large' lamp that used to be right over there.
This one is a better fit, and was half price at the thrift store.

See that branch with the bright orange flowers? That is what I made yesterday.
It did have white crepe paper flowers, and my plan was to add brown, orange, green, and gold crepe paper to it.
But while trying to stave off boredom in Michael's craft store, THGGM found an Hawaiian leis and asked me to try that.
I do like the paper ones better, but this did work, and I am pleased.

So today I made three more branches to lay in a bare spot on top of the piano.
I just LOVE having a magnolia tree. These branches were shed on Wednesday when it was very windy.
A 50 cent leis and branches picked up in my own front yard. Apparently, some craft supplies DO grow on trees.

THGGM found his birthday present a few weeks early this year. I'm posting it because there have been years when by the time his birthday rolls around we can no longer remember what his present was.
I was very surprised to find out that he does actually LIKE these pictures. And I always thought it was just me.

1 comment:

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

Nothing for the baby doll? :0(

Nice additions I might add. :0)