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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thrifting Pays Off

Since I was actually at the thrift store to DROP OFF my (at least) 25 items for the week, I almost didn't go in.
But then I remembered that I was looking for different colors (yellow) of crepe paper and I can always find it there for extremely cheap.
And I DID find yellow crepe paper, which made me really happy - because I'm weird like that.
THGGM, who doesn't believe me AT ALL when I say I'm going to just look for ONE THING, left me there while he took care of some other business in the area (i truly think he just heads to Marge's for donuts).
Since I had time to kill, I wandered back to the dishes.
The dish section has very poor lighting. It also has VERY high shelves. I'm 5'7" which is above average height and yet I cannot see the dishes on the top shelf. Although I could see all of the other shelves very well, except for the lighting issues.
So, being the resourceful person that I am, I just looked at the dishes I could actually reach and nearly see.
You will NEVER guess what I found! (oh. i forgot there is a picture right there.)
Johnson Brother's White Regency dinner plates, for SEVENTY-NINE cents a plate.
Yes. I KNOW they look just like paper plates. But I like them.
I started with service for eight. Now I'm up to 13 cups and 13 plates. Just by adding a few pieces at a time.
And like I keep telling myself, it's more FUN this way!


MissKris said...

<8-O --- that's supposed to be a look of shock, haha! I am 5'7", too!! Do the similarities never end?!

Anonymous said...

Are you still collecting those white dishes with the flower on them and the turquoise insides? Well, they have a 32 piece set at the GoodWill in Standale on Lake Mich. Dr. for $5.00. I'd call first before going though. I saw them last week Tuesday 9/14.