Where have I been?
Right here.
It seems that since Sunday I have taken about one thousand pictures which need sorting and cropping and adjusting and.., well.., just LOOKING at.
There are just too many favorites!
Of course, I can NEVER resist a picture of a little boy with a dirty face.
Although, he does not KNOW it is dirty.
Which makes it all the cuter.
And he has a most interesting hair style.
Thursday is the day I realize I'm not going to get everything done that I thought I was going to get done that week. Today is no exception. And, since I can't get it all done, I think I'll go read a book.
My two went stomping thru mud puddles...every one they could see on our walk between showers this morning. It was so warm and muggy I couldn't imagine it hurting them, so they were a mess by the time we got home. They stripped down to their diaper and underwear on the porch, then I gathered up everything and put it in the dryer. A fun time was had by all, worth the extra load in the dryer!
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