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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

On the Second Day of January...

For two years in a row now (so i suppose this is a tradition!) THGGM has done a record-a-book for the grand kids.  Last year he did "The Night Before Christmas" and this year it was "Frosty the Snowman".  The books are a bit pricey - about $19.99, but this year we were patient and waited until AFTER Christmas to buy it.  Michael's Craft Store had them with all of their Christmas clearance for 50% off.  I really wanted the nativity story book, but that one was gone by then.  The books take regular batteries, which was a great relief to me as those tiny round batteries scare me.  So while the daddy and the mommy celebrated their 8th anniversary, the pake and the beppe enjoyed time with their offspring.


Anonymous said...

So thankfull you are on the blog again, I feared something was wrong in the US. Well, in your circle, do not know about the rest of US;-). It pays of to wait for after Christmas sales, Christmas movies on DVD hold very well, but are just as nice in January. I am finishing this week a handsewn fabricsamples small patchwork quilt, one and a half feet each side. Made from real samples of fabric, just large enough to sew around 1 inch sides diamond cardboard into hexagon babyblocks. It is very colourfull and I am going to call it Samples Charm(e)s. I had used the Christmassy fabrics for small doilies. I had a certificate to buy a book for Sinterklaas and it is going to be, for me, not churchgoing at all, the Bible in my own mothers language, in Groninger dialect. It was finaly finished last year and it sounds so close to my heart, I have to have it and will leave the Dutch Bible closed from now on. Hugs, DM

Janie Fox said...

We did that for our grandkids. It was the Christmas story. We took turns reading and then we sneaked into their house and left on the table on Christmas Eve so they could read it before bed. We did one for Annie's kids and one for Maggie's kids. And yes there were pricey...17.99 at Walmart.

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

...and everyone lived happily ever after.
I love me happy endings.:0)


Anvilcloud said...

I tried that with TNBC last year, but the thing was defective, so we ended up taking it back and were unwilling to go thru it again this year. I am pleased to know that it worked for you, so that perhaps it usually works.

daisymarie said...

What a cool tradition. I keep looking longily at these. I think it would be a cool keepsake.