Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wasn't it JUST Friday?

 Today I am home sorting and purging things that I've haphazardly slung into drawers and cupboards.  Sadly, the 'past' Judy assumes incorrectly that the 'future' Judy will someday WANT to sort out her messes.  So, today 'present' Judy has had to mediate.  'Present' Judy is not happy about it either.  Kind of whiny and sad, really.
 But in between these mind-numbing chores I've stopped at times so 'present' Judy could use up some of her stash of good bits and pieces.

The HOME picture will hang at the backdoor.  You know, so that I will know I'm home when I walk in the door.  And, if I miss it, there is another 'home' sign hanging just steps away.  And, if I miss that there are others scattered throughout the house.  Jonge wonders why it says 'home' all over my house, but there is no way to explain it.  Except that I love "home".  Sigh...

Of course, there was also that nice piece of vintage wall paper I found last weekend.  I LOVE it.  But as one can imagine, it is very brittle.  I'm thinking that I'll hang the SNOW letters like a bunting inside.  I made the snow-lady years ago and just keep moving her around.
I like everything about it except that it is about snow, which I'm not a huge fan of.

They tell me that it will be snowing tomorrow.  Hard to believe with all the gorgeous sunshine going on today!

In other news, I'm working toward getting more stuff on Ebay.  I have too much stuff, and I like it all.  I just don't like taking care of it all that much, so it's time for it to go.

Not to mention that I could use the money.  I won't mention that because nobody likes to talk about needing money, do they?  No, they don't.


My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

You truly love your home and I can feel it way over here. ;0) (((hugs)))Pat

Rebecca said...

You make me feel right at "home" when you don't mention needing money!

Mitzi said...

I have Home signs in my house too. I love home and when I am away- I can hardly wait to get back there. It just feels good.

Anonymous said...

That wallpaper is not about compacted snow, yhose are snowcrystals, of which there seem never to be two the same. Look up please: paula nadelstern snowcrystal quilts, she made beautiful quilts inspired bij snowcrystals, cutting different printed cottons and putting the pieces together to make sc. Good luck with the selling, please hide some real treasures to rotate in your house from time to time. Home is where the heart is, where it is cosy, warm when it is cold and cool when it is hot outside, where you love all yur family to be and invite people you care about,where is is safe when times are troubling and not a showroom, where living is forbidden because that would disturb the pristineness of the showroom. Why would you not hang up many signs to let everybody know this yours is a home, not just a house. DM