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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Sibling Fun

In my mind I am constantly thinking about fun things to do/play/make/read/sing with the grand kids.

This would be significantly easier to do if they were all the exact age and had the very same interests.

Thankfully, they do not.   But it WOULD be easier.
They usually do not want to do ANYTHING that I think would be amazing.  I do not find this surprising as I remember being the same way.

What they have going for them is that they have siblings who can think up things that would never enter my aged mind.

Those ideas they each seem to adore.
Like, "put your baby brother's leg in an empty almond container that just a few minutes ago was your other brother's drum".
I've never seen this idea in any of the "how to entertain a baby for a very long time" books.

But it worked.  It entertained a baby and his four year old sister for longer than anything else had.

And it took his mind off teething for a bit.

Feintsje has four teeth now.


Melissa said...

Sweetness itself - love the cheeks and the hair!1

Tournesol said...

They are just the most adorable kids : ) Feintsje's cheeks just make you want to pinch them, so cute. Funny, we spend money on toys and my kids used to just love cardboard boxes and things better.

Marguerite said...

So cute. Love those cheeks. And the older sister who loves her baby brother enough to entertain him.

Janie Fox said...

They are so adorable. I know what you mean about finding things to entertain them. We played hot potato last week with a stuffed toy. They were in hysterics. Of course the two babies had to just watch!