Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

10 in 10

And as I'm beginning to type this, it is 10:10.

1.  Today was the very first day that I did not need to take two Ibuprofen every six hours.

2.  Since I only have two antibiotic pills left, this is very good news.  Finally. It's working.

3.  I believe I forgot to mention that although I've seen no Robins in my yard (not that i've looked much) I did see DOZENS of them when we were out over the weekend.  Robins.  Finally.

4.  Last week I saw a Cooper's Hawk in our backyard.  I watched it through the window, but when I went for my camera it flew away.  I haven't seen the Red-tailed Hawk in the neighborhood recently, but I saw several along the highway when we went to Grand Haven last weekend.  Well, enough about birds.  THGGM and I have an understanding, I will act interested when he talks about cars if he will act interested when I talk about birds.  Oh, and I'll watch bits and pieces of Dancing with the Stars if he makes the right noises over my art projects.  We are a great team.

5.  Last year I skimped on the spring cleaning because I thought it made more sense to do it in the fall.  Then fall came and went.  Now it's spring and I truly do think that fall cleaning makes more sense.  I see a pattern here, and a dusty house filled with scattered piles of music.

6.  It snowed huge wet sloppy snowflakes for way to long this afternoon.  Even Zeke, who doesn't mind the snow that much,  gave a sigh of disapproval when I let him out tonight.  The clouds were great though.  I do like clouds.

7.  Tonight THGGM went to see "Lincoln".  I stayed home and watched a rerun of "Civil War Journal" on the History Channel.  We are exciting like that.

8.  Wednesday he goes to the dentist, and I go on Thursday.  We are exciting like that too.

9.  Sometimes the excitement in our little world is a bit overwhelming, wouldn't you say?

10.  I made it to TEN!  Today Hertsje and I had a wonderful time playing with the doll babies, building roads, and watching the traffic go by.  She is really sweet with the babies.  I even heard her tell one of the dolls to "close your eyes".


MissKris said...

You and the THGGY sound SO much like Dear Hubby and me. We're just as exciting, lol! And I've been noticing the birds a lot too. We went to Jackson on Saturday and spotted all kinds of hawks along I-94. We've had robins in abundance for a while now. And we must have a mated pair of cardinals nesting nearby...we've been spotting them on an almost daily basis out back. We have the same agreement as you do, except for us it's talking about Dear Hubby's bows instead of cars, haha!

Alice said...

So very glad you are feeling better.
Have been struggling to pull things together for the poor taxman. He now knows more about the Massachusetts tax system then he ever wanted to know. He called me up with a list of things I had to track down and the first words out of his mouth were . . . "I blame Romney!"
I have to prove I have had health insurance for the last year or receive a major fine or hit on my state (Mass.) taxes. Try explaining that when you have worked half the year in a different state and the Nursing agency you work for is based in YET another state and therefore your insurance is from that state. 2010 when I came out for Dad, I worked a few days in Mass., Half the year in Detroit for a Maryland based agency. BC/BS of Maryland could not understand WHY I needed to prove why I had insurance for tax purposes.
Since last year I only worked in Mass., at least I only have to worry about taxes in one state, but still . . . what a mess!
So much for my problems, glad to hear yours are improving.

Rebecca said...

You guys ARE exciting...(I AM trying to figure out why you didn't go see Lincoln with THGGY.)

I ♥'d the doll talk, "Close your eyes...." How precious.

We've had robins (and cardinals) for while, though I'm certain they're quite confused about what they're doing here. Every year I think I'm going to learn more about birds but so far I mostly know cardinals and robins. Sounds like I should spend an afternoon birding with you!