Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Sprung Ahead, Even Though I Did Not Want To

Tonight I do not have 10 minutes to write 10 things.  So I'll go for five instead.

1.  I want my hour back.  With that hour I would have had time.

2.  My plan to accomplish the decluttering of the bedroom did not happen as I had planned.  No.  Instead I added more clutter.  Fun, interesting, GOOD clutter, but still clutter.

3.  I worry about getting Alzheimer's.  My chances are 3 times greater due to having diabetes.  Sometimes I forget I have diabetes.  So I worry about getting Alzheimer's.  Now I remember that this was the reason I started taking coconut oil.  And then my weird transient pains went away and haven't come back.

4.  Today I bought a bird cage.  A brown one.  I already have a white bird cage, which used to be brown until I painted it white that one year that we painted everything white.  Now I have two bird cages.  I do not have a bird.

5.  Let it be noted that this week I got all of my Christmas decor crammed into the basement room that appears to have been made just for that reason.  Or, maybe for storing canned goods.  Yes.  That seems more likely.  But I don't can.  I can't.

(hmm.., spell check doesn't think that decluttering is a word.  no wonder i have so much trouble doing it!)


Melissa said...

Bugger spell check - it doesn't think children's is a word either.

Alzheimer's is a scary thing to worry about...I am procrastinating worrying about it because I am relatively young. I am sure my Mom worries about it because her Mom has it.

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

LOL _ I always enjoy your humor! ALso I have a question - how do you take coconut oil? Like just by a tablespoon or some other way? Thanks, Lisa :O)

Tournesol said...

I was wondering how you take the coconut oil too? I worry about Alzheimers too sometimes, especially since lately I can walk into a room and completely forget, not even an inkling, why I was there!

Alice said...

Dad passed away last year at age 88.
30 years with extremely brittle diabetes.
To the end he was brilliant with their financials, managed mostly on-line, much to my brother's admiration when he took over post "passing."
He did have intermittant dementia in varying degrees for years. Actual cause and/or definition was never pinned down. (one doctor on meeting him for the first time during one of his last episodes, asked if he had a psych. diagnosis. The next day, she met HIM for the first time.) He had terrific temper to start with.
His vision was good (post catarac surgery) reading glasses only.
Neurophathy: He did the "fankenstein's monster" stomp when he walked, otherwise no sores or uncontrolled infections.
Granted he replaced 2 shoulders and 2 knees, but that had more to do with arthritis.
His requirements for insulin were all over the map and he was very careful. His main problem was incredible pain from arthritis on occasion.

Everyone is different and everyone reacts to "disease" differently. Just do your best and live your life.
He did. They travelled the world with and without friends and travelled annually with the family to mexico.

Hope this helps.