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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yesterday At My House

 Hertsje got it into her sweet little head that she wanted to lick the back of my couch.

Of course, I did not approve of this activity.
She even tried to be sneaky, by first licking her hand.
Even substituting her snuggle-y bear didn't satisfy.

Nope.  It was the back of the couch that she wanted.  Reasoning with her got me nowhere.  My case being that this exact portion of the back of the couch is where Zeke sits to watch the neighborhood go by.

She didn't care.

I did.  And still do.

So I got her down with snuggle-y bear in hand. She pointed to the bedroom.  This is her 'nap face'.  The camera did not quite catch her pointing finger.  Hertsje knows what she wants.  And if she cannot lick the back of my couch, she will choose to take a nap.

Today?  She wouldn't give the back of the couch the time of day.  Couch licking was sooo yesterday.


MissKris said...

I'm thinking she liked the texture of the material on her tongue but with kids, who knows? LOL!

Pat said...

WHoa, you must not lick where the dog sits, LOL!
She sure is cute, I think I might want to take a nap with her and do a little grandma/granddaughter snuggle!

Mary said...

Judy, I love your sense of humor. She is such a cutie! I agree with you, not the best spot on the couch to lick. Glad it was a yesterday thing.

Tournesol said...

Omgosh, I laughed so hard for so long my 13 year old wanted to know what was so funny. I told him and he gave me a puzzled look, "whats so funny about a baby licking a couch!?" oh well. Soo cute and REALLY funny : )