Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

10 in 10 for a Saturday Night

1.  My Saturday morning began with a trip to the vet with  Zeke.  It's been a year since he had his painful back trouble.  This trip was just for his yearly check-up.  He didn't much like it.  First he pooped in the lobby, and then he bit the vet.  On the upside we got to hear what a lovely dog Bethy, our grand-dogger is!  They ALL love Bethy there.  I can only imagine what they will say about Zeke.

2.  THGGM ordered a vanity plate.  He really LOVES being a Pake.  And we are all excited to meet number six!

3.  Today I hit one thrift store.  I found a bag of what looked like blocks but also contained brightly colored wooden people.  So, of course, I bought it.  When I got it home and was adding the blocks to the block box I discovered that what I had purchased was a LOVELY hard wood block nativity set.  Oh the FUN we shall have with that!  Sigh...

4.  I also bought a small bag of assorted toys which contained a Buzz Lightyear and two Ninja Turtles.  Someone is going to be happy about that.  Love those 50 cents bags.

5.  The rest of the day was spent finishing up projects that I had started earlier in the week.  I've been stocking up on "pants" hangers. Presently I'm moving all of my tablecloths and assorted linens from the linen closet to a closet where they shall all hang nicely on pants hangers.  MUCH neater and not nearly so many fold lines.  I still have more to do with this project, as I've only emptied two of the four drawers and there is a three shelf cupboard above the drawers.  There are A LOT of pictures in that cupboard, so I do not dare dig into THAT as I know I shall be sure to trip and fall down memory lane.  And once I've fallen THERE, I cannot get up.

6.  While I've been doing that, THGGM has been washing screens and cleaning up the breeze-way.  Last year I believe we had that done in March.  This year it's looking hopeful for June-ish.

7.  On Memorial Day THGGM and I shall have been married for 35 years.  I still remember loading up my '66 Buick L'Sabre with all my worldly goods with which I endowed THGGM and it only took one trip. I did not have many worldly goods back then.

8.  Does anyone else watch "Keeping Up Appearances" on PBS on Saturday nights?  I LOVE that show!  And I also hate that show.  But I watch it religiously.

9.  The grand kids are still struggling to get over whatever it is that has been ailing them.  One would hope that fresh air and sunshine would perk everyone up, but it just seems to complicate things with allergies.

10.  Speaking of allergies, I keep waking up with my eyes stuck shut.  I don't like that.  But I do suppose it's a small price to pay for such a beautiful blooming spring time.  Yes.  Yes, I suppose it is.


Melissa said...

Oooh the nativity set sounds like a wonderful find!! Yeah for you.

Anvilcloud said...

When I started reading this, I thought I was reading someone else and that Zeke was a child.

Anonymous said...

LOVE Keeping Up Appearances!!! I only wish they made more. I watch it on Netflix and have seen them all many times. I was the same way about The Golden Girls . Did you like that? Your grandchildren are precious. So glad you found good treasures for them at the yard sakes!