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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sick Kids

Jonge came to spend the day with us today, as he had a temp of 102 last night.
When I put Kado down for his nap I noticed that he felt very hot.
After lunch I got a call telling me that Famke was on her way, as she had a fever at school.
Hertsje was sick with a fever on Sunday and missed the trip to the zoo.
Feintsje is teething.
The upside to this is that I got to spend time with all of the grand kids today!
Jonge was diagnosed this afternoon with a lung infection and is now on an antibiotic.

But other than THAT, it was a great Monday!

How are you?


Anvilcloud said...

The grands and one of their parents have had something intestinal going on for more than a week but no fevers.

Melissa said...

Kado looks sooo pathetic poor guy....I hope you can hold up and not get whatever it is.

We are well!!

PS because I got to share I've lost 17 pounds since Feb.

Anonymous said...

Poor kids, it happens often after a flu, getting sick with something else. On the positive side, they can talk about what they saw in the zoo and tell Hertsje what she missed and show her the animals in miniform from their playthings, they now know how big they really are. I wish them all to get well very soon and Pake and Beppe and the parents to stay healthy. DM (It is spring and everyone is wearing wintercoats, my feet are freezing, the heating is on and the wind blows, I do not want to go out, what is wrong, the weather or I? Grey skies and bluebells . Spanish - in bloom. Oh, I guess we will remember how "nice" it was now, when it finally gets really hot in the neth's.) DM