Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, June 08, 2013

10 in 10

1.  First off I must tell you that I have been suffering from a migraine this week.  Today was better, until about an hour ago when the entire neighborhood started smelling like a house fire.  THGGM even walked all around just to determine that it wasn't our house.  Normally the neighborhood fire pits smell good.  This one has my head all messed up, my eyes burning, and my throat sore.  I know.  Whine, whine, whine.  What are you going to do?  That's just what I'm like.
2.  This morning Zeke had to go back to the vet for a booster shot.  He was a very good boy this time.  He did not, nor even attempt to, bite anyone.  Although the shot did make him sick later in the day.  Poor boy.  But now he seems better and even barked at a cat.  When he isn't feeling well he does not bark.  Usually, he feels great.  ;D
3.  After the trip to the vet we picked up Jonge and Famke and took them out to breakfast to celebrate the end of the school year.  Then we took them to Michael's craft store, and to our favorite neighborhood thrift store.  A good time was had by all.
4.  Later in the week I hope to show you what we bought at the thrift store.  It's green.  I saw it weeks ago, but it was way to expensive, even at thrift store prices.  Then the price came down.  Then we filled a 20% off card.  Today all furniture was 15% off.  It does pay to be patient.
5.  We also added a bird bath and bird feeder to our backyard.  We have a perfectly wonderful bird feeder outside of our kitchen window.  But it became rather unappetizing to watch a hawk swoop in for a bird while we were attempting to eat lunch.  Even if we happened to be eating chicken, I still couldn't help being upset at the hawk.
6.  The bird bath is a combination of an old wooden rocker that had no seat and the top of our old bird bath which had a broken base.  That worked out well for us!  Something for nothing.
7.  Just when you thought that there was nothing left for me to collect, I've got a new passion!  Duplo Legos. I love them.  If anyone wants to get me something and they haven't a clue what I would like, I would like Duplo Legos.  I am the proud owner of three sets now.  I bought one with a coupon today so I have enough for all of us (meaning my little builders) to play together.  Seriously.  I do realize that I am crazy.  What to do.  What to do...
8.  Starting Monday I will have five grand kids here with me.  We need LOTS and LOTS of interesting things to play with.  There shall be blocks, Legos, books, puzzles, craft materials, musical instruments, dolls, dishes, dress-up clothes, tinker toys, and a fenced in backyard.
9.  And at the end of the month, there will be a new baby boy joining our family.  I cannot wait to meet him!
10.  The peonies have been just gorgeous this year.  And they smell amazing.


Melodee said...

Those flowers are AMAZING.

Anonymous said...

One very inexpensive toy can be made by Jonge and Famke for all of them. You need pro child: one innertube of a toiletrol, colouring pencils and sticky tape, quite a lot of sticky tape. Jonge can colour too, the outside of the rolls. Then, on one opening,start taping crosswise until you have a dime big opening, Then start taping around the roll, this is to make it a little sturdier. Last step you have to guide them, because they are now going to tape the other open end crosswise untill you have an opening of about 1/6 inch or 3 to 4 mm. Now you have a pointing glass like item, you can see through both ends and it will be quite different what you are able to see! For both Jonge and Famke search for a caleidoscope diy, just use only non sharp things to put in it, like plastic beads or buttons. Have fun. Did you ecer consider spindle spinning? You can drop it instantly to run to a child or Zeke to rescue them. It is fun and you can use the resulting yarn for fun objects. Mostly children will want to do it too, there are lots od diy spindle instructions on the net.DM

Anonymous said...

I meant of corse Kado can colour too. DM

Rebecca said...

It appears you were away from home while I was away from home, too! I think I've caught up with YOU. Now to catch up with myself.

I think it's a good thing you had a chance to catch your breath before all the summer excitement. I look forward to seeing the new Green Thing...and it sounds like you are an easy please with your Duplo Lego fervor.

Take care of yourself while you take care of all the others :)

Mary said...

Ugh migraines!! Five grands. You will be one very busy lady but oh what fun and adventure.
My peonies were gorgeous this year also. We didn't have any really bad storms that just beat them to the ground. They are at the end of blooming but I certainly enjoyed them. I shall be getting out the hose and washing birdpoop off the front window...I must have a bird that thinks it is fun to poop on the glass. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday afternoon. I know your week will be wonderful. I hope you all have a giggling good time. I love it when my granddaughter gets the giggles.