Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Well Now

 Quarantine.  It's something weird that I'd hope we'd never have to experience anymore.
Not leaving home is not difficult for me, as I love being  home, and even if I didn't I really cannot go out much at all due to something beyond my control.
So because of that (Do you know anything about IBS? Because I certainly do.) I have an abundance of things to keep me busy at home.
By the way, I'm not all that interested in cooking or cleaning, so I'm only doing as much of that as is necessary for survival.
What DO I do?  A lot of things.  Mostly, I read.
In January I became very concerned about what I was reading about the corona virus.
I even tried to persuade Oldest Son to wear a mask on the plane when he traveled to California on business.  He did not.  Of course, now we know that wouldn't have helped much, but still.  Children should listen to their concerned mothers, should they not?
Please say yes.
One thing I have done over the years is to collect piano music as I find it at thrift stores, consignment shops, and antique malls.
Earlier this year I sorted through all that I had, and donated nearly half of it back to a thrift store, or to my sister who probably didn't even want it, but I was rather pushy that she take some.
This still left me with plenty.

Today I've been working my way through hymn books and this collection of Reader's Digest song books.  I LOVE them, and they STAY OPENED.
I do best with what can only be described as "easy" so these are great for me.
THGGM doesn't mind my playing, which is a good thing since we are now together 24/7.
I don't know how he can stand it though, I would be complaining about how horribly off my timing is.
Timing is math.  I hate math.

That's what I did today.
And I'll probably do that again tomorrow, but will add something else too, just to keep it interesting.
Well, interesting to a boring person like me!

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