Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The 'Youngest Son and the Peep Hole' Story

Writing out the story 'I Meant To Do That!' reminded me of another Youngest Son story. A story he is thankful that he can't remember.

In the home we lived in for two years, three children crowded together in one very tiny room. This room connected to our bedroom by a shared bathroom.

One day while Oldest Son and Daughter happily played in the living room and Youngest Son napped, I took the opportunity to take a nice long leisurely bath (yes, the bathtub of 'row row row your boat' fame).

I got out of the tub at the same time that Youngest Son awoke from his nap. To me, it just seemed too early for him to wake up. I had make-up to put on, hair to dry, clothes to put on and was hoping for more uninterrupted time to do all of this. I told him to go back to sleep, or look at a book in his crib.

But, he was calling for me to get him up. I tried stalling, but nothing would deter him. I ignored his earnest pleas. Finally, I said in exasperation "I can't get you up, I'm in the bathtub!"

To which he replied, like I was some sort of demented mental patient, "NO YOU ARE NOT! I SEE YOU STANDING THERE ALL BARE NAKED!"

Hmmm. Apparently he was at the door, watching me through the keyhole.

The truly horrifying thing was that I actually was staring at my own face as the realization that he had been watching me for some time took effect on my countenance.

Me. The star of the peep show, "Naked Lying Mother".


Melodee said...

You make me laugh out loud like no other!

Anonymous said...

Too funny!!

Magdaleine said...