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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Our Easter/Birthday/Pass Around the Baby Celebration

Easter dinner was at my house yesterday. We all pitch in, and it works!

After dinner we played a lively game of "pass around the Baby Boy". It's been 22 years since this family has had a baby to play that game with, so everyone plays. Except for James, who my niece claims is afraid of babies. James did not deny this. Great Aunt is the official "Put Baby Boy to sleep" person. Works every time!
The "greats" all get in on the fun. Baby Boy enjoys the attention. Notice the hands of Great Grandma in this picture, trying to intercept Baby Boy from Great Grandpa.
And a successful interception it is! Great Grandma now has Baby Boy!
It was also a birthday party. For Youngest Son, Oldest Niece and Oldest Sister. Oldest nieces is now exactly half the age of her mother. Oldest Sister loved the pins I made for her (see pins at my Inky Fingers blog). This is a fact that startled my immediate family, who gasped and were appalled when I told them that was what I was giving her. It's nice to have SOMEONE appreciate what you do!
Missing from the festivities were Oldest Son and Daughter-in-law, who live in Illinois, and the two nephews, one who lives in California, and the other who attends graduate school in Toronto. I'm sure it pained them to miss all the fun!


Melodee said...


Sounds like it was a wonderful day.

Chris said...

It did pain me to miss all the fun. But I'm coming home next tuesday (the 25th).