Several bloggers mentioned not finding many blogs that are inspirational, and how so many bloggers truly don't 'saying anything'. One mentioned finding a few 'one hit wonders' but with nothing else 'of substance' to keep them coming back.
At my blog, I come right out and warn you ahead of time that I am boring. I am. It's just a fact. Rarely, if ever am I actually BORED as I can always find something interesting to read, make or play around with.
Today, I discovered that I can put two Diet Coke fridge boxes on my feet and walk around in them like they are some freakishly large boots. No. Baby Boy was not here. I did this for myself. You might want to try this at home.
Now I am going to say something here that will most likely be unpopular. Blogs that try too hard to be inspirational bore me nearly to tears.
Why? Because life is enormously full of dull, mundane things. I fear for those always looking for the 'inspirational' as it becomes like a drug. Suddenly one needs more and more 'inspiration' to satisfy that need that absolutely everything one does has some deeper hidden meaning to it.
This doesn't mean that I don't seek out inspiration, because I do. And, I know many blogs which I frequent who have writers who do this very well. Take Debra, for instance. She is inspirational, but will also tell you when her life is less than sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. And, she will tell you that she has mice in her backyard that come when she calls them.
Too much of a good thing clogs up the works for me. I collect devotional books. But, sometimes I have to take a break from them. The same with quotes. I collect quotation books also. Although I have found that if I read too many fabulous quotations at a time, they quickly lose their value to me.
When you think about it, most of us ARE dreadfully boring people stuck in an existence that at times is dull as tombs. Sometimes, the boring stuff is all there is. I rather LIKE hearing about that. It makes the inspirational mean more when it comes.
Now I will leave you and go back to my mundane chores. I may find inspiration in doing them, but I may not. Either way, I still have to do them, so might as well hum a happy tune as I go.
If you are looking for great blogs written by people who frequently post about happenings in their lives, I encourage you to click on the links to the funny, entertaining and delightful commenters on my blog. You will find much to ponder.
Maybe I just prefer to ponder than to be inspired.
You say what I feel only so much better!!
I was actually starting to feel guilty for not wanting to read or always be inspirational - I too can get bored with the same ol' same ol'. Except for the same ol' same ol' Hershey Bar with almonds-I never seem to tire of that.
I love to read about every day life - good, bad and ugly - but always real.
Keep it real sister - your doing a great job!
Oh, you know. I've been told I'm "boring and paltry" and that is all well and fine. I've been told I say too much. I've been told a lot of things. I just am who I am who I am. And you are who you are who you are. And you and me...we get along just fine 'n' dandy. Plain and simple.
Must be something in the air. Last night I deleted an inspirational blog from my Bloglines because I felt guilty about not feeling like reading it.
You're a "real person", Judy, and I love your blog. You inspire me to be myself - and it's always nice to know that I'm not the only one with a mouse problem.
Another great post! And thanks for linking to me (I'm not feeling any pressure now, or anything...heh...). :) And I especially liked how you said you prefer to ponder rather than be inspired--an excellent way of putting that! Blessings, Debra
Amen sister, you are seriously funny and I love reading your blog. I would take 1 funny and everyday life blog over 100 super spiritual inspirational blogs anyday. By the way, anyone who puts diet coke fridge boxes on their feet for their own amusement is anything but boring :)
I found you via Debra's blog which I read everyday. YOU are not boring...or maybe you are and so am I and that's why I have you in my list of favorites as of this moment and I will be back everyday!
I like blogs that are a good mix - the daily is what it is what this life is about and on some days, I am a loser and on some days I am arrogant and on some days God bonks me on the head and speaks through me for reasons unknown to me and occasionally in His tremendous graciousness, He reveals Himself and a small part of His plans in spite of myself.
I like reading about other lives who are growing to - having all the answers is an irritating trait and worse in a blog.
PS blogger didn't want me to comment on this post so they might have a problem with it... ;)
I agree with you on the inspirational blogs. The ones that inspire me the most are those where the writers question their sanity and admit their weaknesses; the ones that share some of their fears and insecurities. That's the kind of food for thought I appreciate.
I so agree! (No surprise there.)
I don't think I've ever mentioned what a terrific writer you are. The comments you leave over on the QC Report are brief, trenchant and fun, but I just had a big old wallow in your blogs, which I have not done for a while, and I remembered..."Judy can really write". And I never thought "Dull" for one second.
Just thought I'd say it.
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