Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Acorn, Oak Tree, Kitchen Table

Today I collected acorns.

Why buy fall decore when it grows on trees?

It was breezy. Every time the wind blew, acorns rained down. It made a lovely sound on the metal slide we were playing on. Not so lovely when they hit us on the head.

My kitchen table was once contained in an acorn. Truly something remarkable to think about.


MissKris said...

I've always loved how God takes care of even the smallest details of life...how everything, including US, comes from some sort of seed or another! A person can spend a lot of time pondering over things like that, eh? I loved the photos of your Lake Michigan trip...I can't believe how big Jonge is getting...he and Dylan would see eye-to-eye in person, I'm thinking. The kids stopped by on their way home from the beach yesterday to pick up their dog and my d-i-l had all kinds of cute photos on her digital camera. I asked her to send some to me so I can post them so I hope she does...she's usually pretty good about things like that but she's so busy lately I can forgive her if it slips her mind, ha! We've been having glorious Indian Summer-like weather, too, but today is our transition day into about 10 straight days of rain. Yippee.

Melissa said...

Wow - your acorns are bigger and prettier than ours.

Pat said...

Since I have no Oak trees in my yard, I had to bite the bullet and go to Big Lots & Meijers for fall home decorations. It's not as pretty as yours - but it will do in a pinch!
I also love your beach pictures - Lake Erie will have to do for me though since I'm an east coaster!
My grandsons are in college and they refuse to go barefoot on the beach with their grandfather...kids! :)

Judy said...

The oak trees were growing just off the dunes at Hoffmaster State Park.

They came in all sizes. The leaves are tiny though, which makes the acorns look bigger than they are.

Truly, it was a PERFECT day to be in the great outdoors.