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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Could Hartz Mountain Make This for People?

I had the morning to myself today.
It was sooo nice.
I read some, researched some, drank ever so much coffee, and played the piano - a lot.
For lunch I had a 'lean cuisine' and emailed my friend, Anne.
The rest of the afternoon involved a whole lot of housework. But, I got most of it done.
After THGGM got home from work, he brought a large box of stuff to the thrift store. It felt good to get rid of it. Then he mowed the lawn.
I started to feel guilty, so I grabbed my pruners and went outside to chop off the dried stems in my Desert Candle plants. I had those at the last house we owned. I do not like them. They bite, hurt small children and aren't very pretty. But, they seem to be very popular in this neighborhood, as one neighbor has an entire border of them. Keeps out the riff-raff, I'm sure.
I did meet a 'sort of' neighbor, the daughter of an older couple who live a couple of doors down. I've got to keep up with THGGM and Jonge, who are meeting people all down the block. Anyway, she was a very nice person and answered some questions I've had, and I didn't even need to ask them - she answered without knowing I wanted to know. I like it when that happens. But, she isn't a gardener, so couldn't help me out with my plant identification project.
Remember how I mentioned that it looked like something large had laid in a few of my plants? She mentioned a family of muskrats that took over several yards last summer, ours being one of them. Hmm. Apparently, they now live across the street from us, under some overgrowth covering a fence. I do not wish to meet them!
I've met a bunny, a squirrel, the 'thpy-lour', his very large extended family and a whole lot of bees.
I never left the house today, except to go into the yard. No one came over. No one. Every once in a while, that is a good thing.


david hayes said...

It can indeed be a good thing. Every once in a while, those can be the best days.

MissKris said...

Mmmmmmm...no visitors, no phone calls...to me that can be a perfect day when I'm really in need of alone time. Something I never, ever have enough of any more. And now, with little Chloe dog in residence, I never WILL have a totally-alone day. But she's quiet and good company, so I think I can live with that. Whoa...I was waaaaaaaaay off on the Kalenchoe...once I read everyone's "sedum" comments it was like, "DUH!", haha! I have a suggestion, tho...the stuff you really can't figure out, clip off a sample and take it to a nursery. I have one near my house and the employees there are SO helpful in that area!

Karen said...

Sounds like a perfect day to me. I love the "thpy-lour". I find myself saying it out loud.

Thank you for your comment about my mom "setting the table". I hold that image in my heart today.