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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, September 17, 2007

For Your Monday Viewing

Since the only listings in my side-bar are for two of my other blogs (yes, i have more than those) I've been meaning to post other blogsites that I frequent. But, I haven't done that in, oh...a very long time.

So, here I will give you three. Three that I enjoy very much.

"Sallies Stack" is relatively new. In this blog, Sallie, who lives in my area, highlights a variety of interesting places to view. I'm enjoying this very much. You might also. You can find it at:


I've mentioned this one before. My friend Melissa is multi-talented. If you follow the link to her site, then click down through her sidebar - well - it might take you an entire day to experience it all, but you would not be sorry! I spent some time this morning reading her entries on Madeleine L'Engle. Be sure to click on those.


Another of my favorite places to go to get my creative juices flowing is Amy's site. Such beautiful things! Presently she is packing orders for 'Club Little House'. Also, be sure to scroll down a little until you see what she has done with her mantle. So cute!


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