Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, September 21, 2007

She Whirls, She Twirls, She Spins...

...she doesn't quite fall over, because her mother is there to catch her.
I got a lot done around here before my mom arrived. As usual, she is very good after her morning walk.
We sat down to chat while waiting for Jonge and Famke to arrive.
She said something to me, and as I turned my head towards her, EVERYTHING began to spin. EVERYTHING. Me, her, the room, the brightly colored chair I was sitting on...
I'd had an earache off and on all week, but that was all.
So, in the morning, my mom took care of me. She knew all of the right questions to ask as she and my dad both have had inner ear problems in the past, and extreme dizziness has always been the harbinger of stroke for my dad. Seems like I had a migraine without the head pain. I get those much less frequently than in my past, so it surprises me when it happens.
I had this happen once last year, when I spent the afternoon laying on the floor with Jonge. He really enjoyed it. Me, not so much.
Anyway...by afternoon I recovered sufficiently to get on with my life. Which required me to take care of my mom, Jonge and Famke.
Sometimes I find myself thinking, what if this had happened when...
And then I stop.
Because I know Who holds the 'what ifs'.


daisymarie said...


Pat said...

A short time ago I got caught up in the 'what ifs' of my mothers care, and really found myself spinning in circles. I now try with the help of God to take only an hour at a time...it's that knowledge of "who holds the 'what ifs'" that keep me on a much more peaceful course. For some human reason though - I keep having to re-learn that lesson!

Mary said...

Yes, we are in God's keeping. What a comforting thought.

Melissa said...

I know Who holds the 'what ifs'.

Thanks for that. I seem to remember you writing about that last incident when it happened - guess I've been around your blog for awhile now....

joyce said...

x kiss, kiss.

I know WHO.
(and when can I come for coffee?)