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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Yard.

THGGM got a lot of exercise tonight. While we were eating supper, we noticed that the 'bookball' team was practicing. Jonge is all about the 'bookball' team! Tonight he saw them run. Of course, he had to run also. Pake was never TOO far behind.

They walk around the block whenever they get the chance. So far they have met quite a few neighbors.

Jonge is checking for bees. There weren't any tonight.
He really likes bees. And spiders.
I really don't.

These are cool. I don't know what they are.

I'm not sure what these are either. Jonge knows that they are 'poople'.
I'm still working to identify everything. I've had a few friends help me along the way. Two plants look like something very large sat in the middle of them (it wasn't me).


Melissa said...

He looks sooooo grown up but then I guess he will be turning two in a few months, won't he!!

Thanks for the wonderful compliment in your other post. You are sweet.


MissKris said...

The pink flower you can't identify kind of looks like it might be related to the Kalenchoe -- not sure of spelling -- family. The little budded one is similar to a weed we have out here but since it looks like it was deliberately planted there by some former owner, I don't think it is! But I found out that Linarium, which I got in a packet of seeds from Habitat for Humanity a few years ago and is native to the Midwest - or so I was told by a friend in Chicago - is considered a roadside weed in her area. I think it's BEAUTIFUL, the way it glows around sunset in the yard. But Forget-Me-Nots are considered a weed elsewhere, too, and I have that in my yard as well 'coz out here it's a "border plant". HA! Funny how gardening varies from region to region, isn't it? I know I sound like a broken record, but will you soon be babysitting both babes?

Marguerite said...

I recognize your pink succulent as a Sedum, probably the variety Autumn Joy or something closely related.

I have a small patch in my yard. They're wonderful fall color and almost completely carefree. They come up in the spring with cute, pretty little rosettes of leaves and never need watering unless you want to water them.

puddleglum said...

The pink one IS Autumn Joy Sedum and the "poople" one is a Malva (Zebrina, I think). My dad grew malva so I keep it around in memory of him. We also have sedum but while I like it, my guys think it's ugly.

Judy said...

Thank you!

They are indeed Autumn Joy Sedum and Malva Zebrina!

I will attempt to 'dry' the Sedum. Jonge loves the Malva, I believe because they are the perfect height for his smelling pleasure.

Anonymous said...

I recognized the Sedum AJ, too.

I wonder if the ones that look like something big sat in them are catnip or catmint? Do the leaves have a strong fragrance? I have a variety that isn't supposed to attract cats but it looked like a cat slept in it once. The other kind I have definitely attracts cats. I had to put up a teepee of thorny rose branches to protect it when it was small.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Judy,
The first picture IS a Sedum. I used to have one and they are wonderful. If they get to big I have been told you just break them up.