Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Before, During and

Okay. So there is NO after. Yet. Most of the hideous wallpaper is gone, but as you can see, not ALL of it.

I was wondering why my wrist was so sore, and then I realized...all that scraping and picking and peeling at that horrible wallpaper.

So, for the sake of saving my hand I've quit for awhile.

But I'll get back to it. I will. And, when all the paper is off, I will paint it. And quite possibly do something creative with the walls.

The pink toilet almost died. I didn't even want to THINK about that. It happened during the time THGGM was working out of town all weekend.

I could just picture my all pink bathroom with a blue toilet (we've had those, TWICE).

It wasn't a big deal at all. For one dollar and 80 some cents THGGM was able to fix it in a matter of minutes.

Oh, the curtain under the sink I made from a one dollar thrifted sheet. It is pink and white gingham. I'm really getting into this whole pink and white thing. Can you tell?


Judy said...

Just in case you were coming here to say that it looks better in the 'before' picture, which by the way is the LAST picture, I will beat you to it.

This bathroom appears to look better in the BEFORE picture.

So sad, my funny little life.

MissKris said...

My whole bathroom used to be Pepto Bismol pink once upon a time. Even if someone was anemic the glow from the walls gave them rosy-pink cheeks, lol! I LIKE your house, Judy...it's filled with character. When you watch the HGTV shows with the antiseptic, colorless, 'boxy' new houses, it makes me appreciate my old 1912 fixer-upper all the more. I actually have solid wood REAL WOOD doors! A lovely old lead-paned window! It's in constant need of 'love' but oh well. It's mine.

Jennifer said...

I'm going to be scraping wallpaper in the bathroom very soon too, can't say I'm looking forward to it. I love pink and white too!