Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Daughter's Birthday

We had a birthday party here tonight. It felt GOOD to celebrate! Although, most of the celebrating was done by Jonge. His daddy had to work both jobs today, but he sent flowers and a balloon!

Jonge enjoyed all of it! But, especially the balloons and the birthday dessert that Pake made. It was a 'moe nummy!' dessert.
Once the dessert kicked in, Jonge was REALLY ready to party. He staged a balloon parade and ran through the house with Pake and Oldest Son, whom he calls "Belly". He wore them out. We saved some of the 'moe nummy' dessert for his daddy.
Daughter is one quarter of a century old. I can hardly believe it.


daisymarie said...

Jonge's and Asher's birthdays are in Jan 06.
And daughters' birthdays are in the same week. Our Annie turns 25 today.
And we love old stuff.
And need I say more: scrabble!

Goslyn said...

Happy birthday, Judy's daughter! Glad it was a good one. I liked being 25. I think I'm mentally stuck there. I just hope I don't get stuck at "25" forever!

Jonge is getting SO big!