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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

In the Fortune Cookie Tonight...

Today we finally found the time to go out for THGGM's birthday dinner. We went to Hunan. It was great. Love that place.
The message in my cookie said "Very little is needed to make a happy life."
So true. I found some 'very little' at the thrift stores today.
Tonight, I found two old Scrabble games, one with the old smooth letters that I prefer, and one slightly newer, which will do.

I also found a fabulous dresser scarf for 50 cents and a few other not-so-old doilies and pillow shams.
And, books! I missed the Wednesday night cheap books, but couldn't pass on these. Two Faith Baldwin, an Elizabeth Goudge, British Poetry and Prose, AND "A Treasury of the Familiar". Exactly what I've been missing, the familiar! Ahhhh. Just what I needed.

And what was the message in THGGM's cookie?
"Someone is looking up to you. Don't let that person down,"
Well, this picture of THGGM passing out marshmallows this morning seemed to fit here.
Please, if you come to my house, DO NOT say 'marshmallow'. Somebody loves them.


Melissa said...

Every time I see a picture of him I can't get over how grown-up he is!!

Have you ever picked up the RSVP Scrabble? I have two now - I can't wait to figure out what I am going to do with them.

Yesterday, I went to the thrift store looking for connect four so I could do this: http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=199638.msg2120118;topicseen

You can't tell me that isn't the coolest. Of course, I didn't find one. So I bought a little blue suitcase (I have a pyramid of four in graduated sizes in C's room now. I have three brown in my craft area. The girls have three brown for dress-up clothes. I also have five of the little rectangle cube hard-sided toiletry cases - three of them hold kids stuff in their cabinet.) But I digress I also bought an Upwords game and three wooden heart plaques with heart cutouts in them.

I looked at a milk glass vase for my MIL but when I looked inside - there was a very dead (dessicated) mouse in it. I found an employee and told him he had to look at this and showed it to him - his response was funny.

Anyhow I have been avoiding the thrift store for over a month - it is great for the wallet and the accumulation of junk in my house. I went twice this week - withdrawal I guess.

I decided to buy new Connect fours and not go to the thrift store for at least a month - I figured I will still save money by buying them new - there are two many treasures at the thrift store.

You hit the jackpot with books. I won't even let myself look at the books anymore...

daisymarie said...

This entry was one great big smile!
I can completely understand not saying the "m" word. We've already started spelling certain things around Asher!

MissKris said...

We have two words at our house..."chips" and "fruit bites", haha! Supposed to be a day without rain showers here today so I'm hoping Dylan and I can get out for a nice looooooooong walk...the walls are beginning to close in on me! Have a great weekend, Judy. And give your two little munchkins big smooches for me and Dylan!! (((HUG)))