Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Random Is All I've Got

This is THGGM. He seems to be enjoying his birthday party very much.
He worked 12 hour days out of town on Saturday and Sunday, so was a teensy bit tired after work tonight.
It made for a silly party.
I didn't find what was said to be particularly funny.
Differences in humor senses and all.

I find it surprising that I did not slip into a diabetic coma during the night.
I ate/made enough sweet-treats this weekend to put even a non-diabetic into one.
You know how it is. You make something and HAVE to taste it to see if it came out okay. It did. All of it. But, I had to keep checking. You know. In the event that it 'went bad' or something.
The thing that screws into the thingy that lifts up the plug on the pink toilet broke. THGGM will look at it later. He has not been home long enough lately to concern himself with a pink toilet when there are two perfectly good white ones in working order. Thankfully, Son-in-law is moonlighting at Home Depot in the Kitchen/Bath department. It's actually okay with me not to use that bathroom for a bit. It's a constant reminder that I haven't quite removed ALL the wallpaper in there. Sometimes, I just need a break from 'constant reminders'. Anyway, last week when my mom was here, she told me that there was a man in my shower. It DID make me look, and there wasn't. But, still.
Then, I thought how if there WERE one, I could blame him for everything that gets messed up over here when no one is home but me. Oh, yes. It's all the fault of "The Man in The Shower".
Well, I thought I'd have more randomness, but, sadly, even random thoughts get lost in the murkiness of my hormonal head. Must go vacuum. Tortilla chip and cake crumbs have taken over. Occasionally while vacuuming I have deep and earnestly meaningful thoughts.
I need to vacuum more often.


Pat said...

Why is it that our mates humor differs from our own? Any why is it I don't find his all that amusing? And why is it I have so many questions...enough already. I just came from Mom's and I'm a little light headed from carrying on both sides of our conversation.
Happy birthday wishes to your hubby, and keep those random thoughts coming...I can soooo relate!

MissKris said...

Dear Hubby and I are fortunate...are senses of humor are very similar and we can collapse in gales of laughter when the rest of the world is going, "Huh?!?" LOL! We both have a huge sense of the ridiculousness of Life. He can make me laugh just about any time!