Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Some Things About Me That Aren't Interesting At All

There are only a few games that I like to play: Scrabble, but I do not play to win, I play to beat 300. Double-Fisted Solitaire, because it makes me crazy. For some odd reason, I like knowing that I can get really mad over something as stupid as a card game. I have a key-chain Boggle game I keep in my purse.

There are only a few CD's I like to listen to: I absolutely love Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata' and I hate hate hate Bach's 'Adagio', which is what THGGM loves to listen to when he is depressed. What restores his sanity drives me insane. Happily, we are both enjoying the Rod Stewart "The Great American Songbook". Although, I do believe that at some point I will roll down my window and give one the heave-ho, as we are listening to them a lot.

Do other people have songs that they belt out at random times? Is it odd to do that? THGGM and I do a fantastic "Mockingbird". We've been singing it for something like 30 years - just occasionally belt it out. THGGM also does a very good Patsy Cline "Crazy". And, if I do say so myself, I could fool you into thinking that Kate Smith was singing "God Bless America". I've been asked to stop doing that one, and since I value my marriage, I have obliged. Lately though, I've been singing "Just a Cloister Walk with Thee".

It was buy-one-get-one-free for women's clothes at my favorite thrift store this week. I found three pair of pants. Do you think that I could find ANYTHING else? No. I could not. So, I got a black cardigan that doesn't fit me. Someone else must be picking out the good wool for felting. Nary a wool sweater in sight. But, the pants are navy, khaki and olive green and appear to need ironing. THGGM found a suit which looks as if it were tailor made for him, and a very nice sports jacket.

Tonight I got two new magazines. My poor eyesight is starting to dramatically affect my magazine reading. Have you noticed that the pictures are all different sizes? The regular copy is about the size of the font I am typing in now, but the pictures, highlighted boxes and title fonts are all different. And, WHO thought of putting captions inside of the picture? It's an 'on and off' event with the glasses, lay the magazine on my nose, put the magazine on the end table directly under the light and lean into it hoping that I do not caste too much of a shadow on the page... I'm exhausted from what was supposed to be a relaxing evening alone with my magazines.

So, I slide over a few seats to the piano. I can see fairly well by day, but by evening, that little bit of a blur I struggle with braids the staff into interesting twists and turns and the tiny little notes jump and dance across my line of vision. It's as if "Sing-a-long-with-Mitch"s bouncing ball escaped and I cannot follow it. (if you do not know who mitch is, you are not old. if you do, you are.)

Just after I threw away about a dozen Scrabble game boxes I found something interesting to make which requires them. Well, I wasn't going to make what 'they' made, but I was inspired to make something similar and those boxes would have come in awfully handy.

I memorized "The Folks in the Valley" for Jonge when he was a baby. So, for Famke I am memorizing "Over in the Meadow". My memorizing ability is not what it used to be. I can still rhyme pretty well, so Famke gets the ad-lib version. That is, until she can correct me.

THGGM took Jonge for a walk around the block the other day. Jonge appears to be teething, and has been tired lately. Mostly, THGGM carries him around on his shoulders. When they got to the front porch where there is a rocker THGGM ask Jonge "Do you wanna rock?" To which Jonge replied in his breathless-little-boy-way, "YEEASH!". So, THGGM sat down to rock him.
"NO!" he stated emphatically. He did want TO rock, he wanted A rock. So...off they went, looking for rocks.


Melissa said...

That would be a bit eerie to have happening right outside your house close enough so that you can hear it.

Melissa said...

This was supposed to go on the previous post. :(

I want to know what you are going to do with the Scrabble board boxes...I've been saving mine.

MissKris said...

I am not a board game fan at all, but we do keep a hand-held electronic Yahtzee game in the bathroom! I also had a Gameboy of my own but my son borrowed it and never gave it back...and it's sitting by HIS toilet in one of HIS bathrooms, lol! Oh, and I love to sing songs randomly...anything that comes to mind, and I have a great memory for lyrics for the most part. I'm also a 'hummer'...if I can't remember the words, I hum them! Dylan's favorite 'nap' songs are "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", "I'll Never Fall in Love Again", and a couple of soft little ditties I've made up for him as we've gone along. He loves to touch a huge rock along our walks, but his big thing now is taking all the wind-fall apples off the sidewalk at a house on the other side of the block and tossing them onto the curbside. He thinks that's the funniest thing happening!