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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Excuse Me, But Could You Tell Me the Day?

Thank you all so very very much for your thoughts and prayers. What a surprise to open my email account and find dozens and dozens of well-wishes and prayers.

At 5:00 last night my mom was admitted to a nursing home. They had a bed and were willing to take her on 'medicaid pending'. Apparently, this is very very rare. The hospital social worker thought it nothing short of miraculous. We are all very thankful.

My dad and I left at 6:00 so mom could have dinner and get settled in. They do not have a dementia unit, but were happy to try to make it work for her. If nothing else, this will give us time to get the medicaid in place and her name on a waiting list for a dementia unit that excepts medicaid as payment.

Of all the emotions my dad was experiencing, when I left him last night, he looked relieved. Although, that just might be because when leaving the nursing home (it was dark by then, and i do not drive after dark) I took a wrong turn and drove us through the bowels of a neighboring county. What should have been a 15 minute drive on familiar roads ended up taking an hour. Maybe he was just relieved to get out of the car.

Thank you so much for praying and keeping us in your thoughts. It means so much.

Jonge and Famke are coming to my house today, so that should help restore a since of normalcy to my life. I know I need it.


Yvonne said...

Oh I'm so glad - what a relief!

Pat said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you. You are a wonderful daughter, take a deep breath and try to get some rest.
Kiss those grands and rest in the sweetness of their precious young lives.

Anonymous said...

The social worker was right, it is nothing short of a miracle that this all turned out for your mother with medicaid pending. Miracles happen, prayers are answered and God provides for our needs. God bless you all as you begin this new journey with your mother and father and hug those little ones!!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for His ways. It is so wonderful that your mom is settled and now your dad can relax some and you, too, knowing that she is being taken care of.

Yes, have alot of fun with the grandkids today. It does take some of the edge off to know that you are with God's little ones who are your grandchildren. I am spending the morning with my granddaughter, Miriam, while her mom goes to her ob appt. Tomorrow I babysit my other granddaughter, Brily, while her mom works. Lots to help us through.


Deb said...

Judy - I'm here via Pat's blog and read the comment that you have signed your Mom into a nursing home. My heart goes out to you. Please know that I have prayed - and will continue to pray for you and your family during this very stressful, heart-wrenching time.
God bless you!

joyce said...

judy, I feel like I've turned off my ringer in your time of big change. God bless you, keep you, lift his face upon you and give you his peace.

Melissa said...

prayers and a hug...I hope that you can fit in good grandkin, craft, and decorating therapy when needed...

Love, M

Anonymous said...

I'm thanking God with you for a safe place for your mom. The better place will come soon.

Big hugs and kisses for you and your family and your mom. I will pray for her in her new habitat.



Linda said...

"Maybe he was relieved to get out of the car." Glad to see that your sense of humour is still intact!