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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I Hope Answers Come Tomorrow

I've been making many many calls to various agencies that help with the care of the elderly.

Since my mom wandered away from home last Tuesday and fell, she has TRIED to leave the house several more times, and Wednesday, Thursday and this morning my dad has called because she is on the floor and needs THGGM's help to get up.

I could go into long details, but I won't.

So many of the calls I've made led to dead ends. Wednesday I finally found what just may be the final one. I've left messages, but I've gotten no response yet, I am sure due to the holiday weekend.

Just a few weeks back mom and I sat around the table laughing about our newly extablished 'ding-a-ling' club. I spent some time with her this morning, and of the two and 1/2 hours I was there, she was only awake for under 30 minutes. It took the entire time to get her essential morning pills down her and change her shirt.

I keep hoping there will emerge a balance of keeping her sedated enough to not be combative, yet alert enough to know what is happening around her.

I am tired.


MissKris said...

Oh, Judy...you are SO in my prayers! I've been thinking about you so much this past week especially. We're at the stage now with my dad-in-law where he's basically starving to death...he's 'forgotten' how to swallow and is too weak to have a feeding tube surgically installed. It's never-ending.

Just Me said...

Hi...I just popped over from another blog - I saw you on her side bar and she said you 'rock her socks off', so I figured I'd better check you out! Interesting that you'd be blogging about 'this' subject. We're having the same time with my mom, and it's heart breaking. Just wandered outside a number of times - hasn't fallen, thank God - but often can't remember how to get back in the house, and sits on her front step and cries. It's so hard on her...and us. My heart goes out to you. When I pray for my mom....I'll send one up for you too!

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you - it is so hard. My father doesn't have alzheimers. But due to his disease of 2 inoperable aneurysms and COPD, he does suffer from dementia. My father is in the last stage of his disease. They feel the aneuryms are leaking. He is on pain meds. - sometimes bedridden - spends most of his time in bed - but does get up to eat and bathe and use the restroom. He sits up for a little while now and then.

I don't know what we would do if he was a wanderer. That is so hard on you and your dad. My mom is having a hard time at times - but some days are good.

I hope you find somewhere or something to help her. It is so hard when our memories of the old days take over and then it becomes so emotional for us wishing for it to be the same - but it never will be.

I read your blog alot and enjoy the stories of your grandson and granddaughter. We have two granddaughters and two more grandbabies on the way. They warm our heart when things get hard - it is great that you have yours to warm your heart when times are hard.


daisymarie said...

This sounds pain-full. I pray that some answers come, as well as a healthy dose of peace and time for you to refresh.