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Thursday, November 15, 2007

"A Place for Mom"

This week I have spent much time trying to track down a place for mom. In a google search on Tuesday, I found a not for profit site called "A Place for Mom". What a wonderful site! I left my e-mail address and phone number and was promptly contacted by a kind man named Marcus who was able to tell me rather quickly what I had feared all along. There is no place for mom in this area. But, I will sing the praises of this site because Marcus had the ability to find this out for me in just over 60 minutes.

So, what he recommended we do is something my niece has already begun. An evaluation will be done of their house tomorrow, to make sure it is a safe place for mom. She has begun to escape while my dad is in the bathroom. We cannot seem to convince him that everything must be dead-bolted. Hopefully, the woman evaluating their home will be able to do that. Their kind elderly neighbor ladies will not be able to catch her once winter sets in.

And, while she is doing that, my dad and I will be getting his consultation for cornea transplants. He has some weird eye disease (it starts with an "F", i can't remember everything!).

Unless I absolutely have to, I won't be posting anymore strange things my mom does. It isn't fair to the memory of my sweet, kind, compassionate mom who absolutely hated to be embarrassed. Oh, I will still tell you about her, but I'll reminisce about the 'real' her, not the disease that has overtaken her.

She'll be here soon.

(i'm sorry i haven't been keeping up on the comments. i so appreciate them. now more than ever. i seem to be on the computer a lot lately, but mostly it involves researching dementia and related agencies.)


nancyr said...

Is there an adult "day care" facility in your area? My mother went to one for several years, which kept her at home longer. She loved it and they were even open on Saturdays. She went six days a week from seven to five or six. Contact Social Services, and they can help you find facilities. They can also tell you if your mom is eligible for a program that is called, in my state, "Home and Community Based Services" which can assist with the cost of the day care. My mom loved going there. They did lots of crafts, and fun activities. She went on a bus for handicapped people, and was picked up and delivered door to door. The HCBS program is designed to keep people out of nursing homes for as long as possible. Your parent's income would determine eligibility, but the income level is not terrible low, for eligibility.
When contacting social services, ask to talk to someone in a program area that deals with adult self-sufficiency, or adult disability programs. The "titles" vary from state to state. There are lots of programs out there.
Good luck.

Tarasview said...

oh Judy. I am so sorry you are going through all this. Sigh.

Debra said...

Judy--I'm so sorry about your mom... I'd been hoping she was getting better. Has she ever seen a licensed health care practioner, one who uses medications only as a last resort? I guess I just can't get away from the way medications messed up my dad's mind, but when they were switched, he was ok again, at least with his memory.

I liked Nancy's idea of an adult day care place. I can see where that would be a huge help to you and your dad and the rest of your family if you had some help and relief during the daytime.

My prayers are coming your way for your family.... And I do thank you for your kind comments at my blog. Hugs, Debra

joyce said...

owie, owie, ouch.
even though you knew it would come to this, you have the grief of slowly losing your kind mother. And I wish you would share it with us, so we could virtually stand behind you, but how respectful that you choose not to.

and your memory. Do you take vitamin B12 (canèt find question mark on this keyboard) I am not you, but I cut back my dosage on the anti-anxiety, plus began taking vit B 12 religiously and I feel like my brain has resumed a few functioning cells. of course, in your case, it could be the stress causing the memory loss, which of course causes more stress.

lets have virtual coffee (question mark...)

Anonymous said...

Hi A Place for Mom is a for profit company and can only give information on places signed up with them. You want to check with your state licensing and dept on aging for a complete list of options.

Many things can cause altered mental status in older adults such as tylenol pm, urinary trac infections, cardiac problems this should all be ruled out.

In addition, the medication such as aricept and nemenda can delay onset of more severe memory problems and the earlier it is started the better outcomes if she does have a dx of Alzheimer's.


Linda said...

All I can say is, sorry about your mom.