a bit of creativity awaits!
Again, this is made with junk I have laying around the house.
It's never a problem for me, as I have a plethora of junk laying around. It makes me happy. What can I say?
The shadow box is from a Michael's Craft Store. Whenever these were 40% off, or I had a coupon and didn't need a thing, I would pick one up.

The "Peace" word was in Michael's dollar bin last year.
The bells are, yes, still left from Daughter and Son-in-law's wedding four years ago.
The hymn is "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" which I ripped from a hymnbook I found in my piano bench.
The picture of Longfellow is from a very very old 'Authors' card.
It's framed in a tiny piece from a broken Christmas ornament. I'd been meaning to fix it - for about 25 years.
The old glass beads came from an antiquing foray a while back.
Although it doesn't show up so well in the pictures, the first verse of the hymn is stamped right on the glass with "Stays-On" red ink.
I'm not sure what my issue is with permanency, but none of this is stuck down. It's just sitting there, or held with hook and loop tape.
I love "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day". The history of it's writing is so moving. My favorite verse:
Yet pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men."
Judy, that is a beautiful creation!! Ya done good!! :)
I'm glad to see your mom is doing a lot better and your dad does look more rested.
The little movie of Famke was just too funny, and I'm sure unexpected! It reminded me of a time when my daughter was a baby. We went out to eat breakfast one morning and we sat in a booth. My daughter was in her carry seat asleep and I put her in the booth seat beside me. Suddenly she woke up and started sqirming and turning red in the face. Then she started to grunt...really loud. Everybody in the place turned and looked in our direction and of course my face was beet red! All they saw when they looked toward the grunting sound was me and my red face!! How embarassing!! lol
Thanks for the laugh!
Those are lovely, Judy! My favorite Christmas hymn is "Silent Night" and the story behind it is beautiful, too. "O Holy Night" and "Angels We Have Heard on High" rate right up there, too.
Well, now I'm officially loopy. I'm weeping because God is not dead, nor doth he sleep, and someone besides me still believes that.
I love that song - used it on our Christmas cards one year.
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