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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Making Do.

I left the house today for reasons other than normal. I actually went shopping at a mall. Yes. Me. She who has weird irrational phobias went to a large shopping mall.
Since I was out, I had to stop at Michael's. I could not remember why I had to stop there, but I hoped it would come to me once inside.
It did.
I bought three wooden letters to put on my framed hymns. I thought I would put in Christmas carols, but now I think I will let them be.
THGGM had been assuring me that I did not need to buy black spray paint, as he has a paint cupboard in the garage. I assured him that I had indeed looked in every cupboard that was assessable, and no paint at all appeared.
There is ONE and only ONE cupboard that is blocked with the major overflow of our lack of a second yard sale. The one with the paint in it.
So, since I was no longer at a craft store, I had to make do. I never mind that. I've been making do for years and years.
These letters were colored with a permanent marker and a black crayon. Mindless to do, actually. Something else I'm good at. Mindless pursuits.
They are just stuck up with double sided tape. So far, they are staying put. I thought of tying them on with ribbon, but, either 'less is more' or judy is lazy' took over. You decide.


Terry said...


Just stopped by after doing a technorati search on "hymns" and found your site.

Cool idea with the framed hymns.

Also, we have a Lennox Swan that looks like one of yours!

Anonymous said...

Judy, your piano looks beautiful. I wish I had your talent in mindless pursuits! My mindless endeavors look like a art teachers nightmare!
Hugs honey

Karen said...

Less is more. And how pretty the swans look!

nancyr said...

Less is more, is my theme for Christmas decorating this year!
Your piano looks wonderful, and your framed music looks "joyful"!