Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Random Thoughts

Sometimes I wonder just how close I am to joining my mom in her world of dementia. It's getting harder and harder for me to compose a meaningful thought.

Tonight is St. Nicholas eve. THGGM and I munched on Steenstra's Almond St. Claus cookies. I only had a few. The box is empty. I'm feeling 'wantsy' for a pair of little boy Dutch shoes I saw at an antiques mall a few weeks ago.

I miss the pair of ice skates I used to hang from the fireplace. Last Christmas my cat threw up on them. I washed them up nicely, and then realized that it was on the laces. Unlacing the old skates was a daunting task at the time, so I threw them away. That reminds me. I need to keep ribbons and raffia away from my cat.

Famke is a happy little girl. She does like to be held. I am finding that there are many things that I can do with just one hand free. Today I played one handed piano while she cooed to the music.

We all must be careful what we say around Jonge. I happened to announce a particular 'owwie' that I have. He passed this tidbit of information on to his mommy, who laughed. This laughter he found encouraging, and spent about an hour saying 'Beppe has a owwie ____'

While Famke and I sang around the piano, Jonge played with the old Fisher Price people. He found a helicopter and a tractor. I LOVE it that he makes all of the correct 'boy toy' noises. He also sat a family around a little table to eat. Truly, he entertains himself very well. And, me too. Famke enjoys his finger puppets show. Those scare me a bit, as the finger puppets get awfully close to her face.

Of course, we played with the great set of blocks his daddy made me for Christmas last year. That's all I want for Christmas this year, too. I need some bigger ones to use for roads. My wants are so simple.
All day I thought of all the things I would get accomplished tonight. My plan included making dinner, decorating the basement trees, making chocolate star cookies and working in my art room downstairs. What I actually DID was eat fast food, did some laundry, watched something on TV - I cannot even remember what, and read some more about dementia.
I'm two years past due for carpel tunnel surgery, it's been over a year since my last mammogram and I am already a month late for my diabetes blood test. I see no chance of getting any of this done yet this year. I have a stack of my mom and dad's stuff to make calls on, yet I would rather chew tin foil than make a simple phone call. Not sure why. I just HATE telephones.
My desk in the kitchen is all cluttery. This was something I was not going to let happen. I have two and a half feet of cookbooks in a little yellow shelf, with a sideways pile about a foot deep on top. It looks tacky, at best. I still sort of have the feeling that I have to ask someone before I move things around. I want to put thick cork board on the wall behind the desk, and move the shelf of cookbooks to under the desk. But to be very frank, I just do not feel like doing it.
I want to cut and glue and stamp and embellish and play with blocks and Fisher Price Little People and eat popcorn and drink coffee and sit for hours and hours in front of the fire with stacks of old Christmas magazines and books and let the world go by at an alarming rate until something, Something, SOMETHING (anything at all) in my world feels normal again.
Is that asking too much?


Karen said...

I hate phone calls, too. I would much rather e-mail because I do like to type. My desk sounds like your cookbook shelf. I wonder how can I get upset with my kids' rooms, when my desk looks twice as bad?

It sounds to me like you have your priorities in just the right order -- loving those grandkids, enjoying the pretty things in life (and sharing them in your blog -- thank you for that), and with THGGM at your side. Just take care of Judy for all of us who love coming here to visit;)

PS I'm glad the new place is working out well for your mom.

Tarasview said...

you just sit by the fire and play and read and enjoy yourself. I KNOW that dealing with emotionally difficult situations drains a whole lot of our physical energy... some days you just can't do it all. And that is ok.

If it makes you feel any better my house is a disaster and I have both boys in school this morning so I SHOULD be cleaning but all I am doing is reading blogs... I'm just TOO darn TIRED to clean.

So there.

Pat said...

I hear you and I feel your pain. Seriously, I too am completely drained. I make the motions of getting it together, but it feels like I'm spinning my wheels. I HATE talking on the phone, but my morning was spent (mostly on hold) with Social Security and the people who administered my Dad's pension. Mom lived a simple life, but since her passing last week, there still is tons of people to contact and business to take care of. There is still so much more to do, but just like Scarlett O'Hara....I'll think about it tomorrow...why don't you do the same.
Oh, by the way....I REALLY need to do something about my hair, I'm starting to scare myself!

joyce said...

can I come for popcorn and coffee?

MissKris said...

Come take a break at my house! We'll kick back, stare at each other in shell shock, and munch on stale Goldfish crackers.

Melissa said...

my teeth hurt now - really hurt....although - I know how you feel about phone calls - do you know I used to work in debt collections and then in customer service...I took or made phone calls all day long - I used to wonder what my husband's problem was - now...it is like pulling teeth to get me to make a phone call - which reminds me I've been putting of a phone call to the dentist....