We interrupt this blog with a special report:
Four ceramic children have recently reported their Christmas tree missing. It winds up at the bottom and plays "Oh, Christmas Tree". Also missing is their fireplace, and the sister who is hanging up a stocking. The parents have not been seen either.
Reportedly, they were all last seen together in a messy art room in July.
Tensions were running high, but foul play is not thought to be a factor at this time.
The children have expressed deep concern about the Christmas tree, which is needed to block the seam in the wallpaper. When asked for any identifying marks, the young girl with the doll reported that her mother is missing a thumb.
The oldest brother reports that he last saw has family as they were being tossed rather haphazardly into a large brown box which had the words 'misc. art room stuff' scribbled hastily on the side.
ok that was my feeble attempt at making the surprised face...i hope all are found safe and sound.
Oh my, The Case of the Missing Tree! We all hope it is found before Christmas! Goodluck!
Those poor dear children. I hope the missing tree & fireplace is found soon, and little sister, too.
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