Famke is five months old today!
Tooth number four made it's appearance today, then disappeared, then reappeared. Imagine that.
She wanted to snuggle all day, which was perfectly fine with me! The new rocker has proven to be well worth the cost. 
Jonge is teething also.

Jonge is teething also.
Since Famke is teething, Jonge is teething, and Beppe (that is me) is feeling 49 we pretty much had a TV day.
We watched two episodes of Mr. Roger's. Although we watched a musical segment about 20 times. Jonge is all about music, rhythms, dancing and silly songs. Today I was all about keeping everyone happy.
He also watched three Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows that I had on DVR.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I even gave him lunch in front of the TV. Someday I'm sure I will write a post about the ill effects of television viewing for toddlers, but not today.
Somedays one just has to do what works.
Tomorrow is a new day. I did already promise him that we would watch the musical segment from Mr. Roger's again and again. I will probably forget, but he won't.
I can't get over how much he reminds me of his Uncle Oldest Son. It's uncanny. Especially the way he sits all snugly in a chair to watch Mr. Roger's. I feel as if I am reliving a piece of history.
1 comment:
Nelson bought 100 stories on DVD that are classic stories by Scholastic. It gives us something other than Baby Einsteins to watch. And I mean us. Asher doesn't sit and watch a DVD alone. We have to watch with him which results in lots of conversation and interaction.
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