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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, August 29, 2008

It Is Friday

What a week.
I am SO looking forward to a looong weekend.
Famke has come down with whatever it is Jonge had.
Her poor little body was SO hot.
But, she is a tough little lady and was perfectly brave about the whole thing, as long as I held her. CONSTANTLY.
Have I mentioned lately that I do not mind that?
Anyway, the three of us plus the kitty all took our naps on the couch this afternoon.
So cozy.
I did not think it would last. It did. The four of us spent four straight hours on the couch in the den.
I finished reading "O Pioneers!" and enjoyed it very much. More than "The Awakening".


Melissa said...

I'm reading Gone with the Wind. Ahem.

daisymarie said...

Sometimes Asher will still let me rock him to sleep and I treasure the cuddled up moments. I wish we could somehow bottle the heat for winter...but no.

I know the cuddling will end, but for now...I'm holding on tight!

I hope Famke feels better much more quickly than her brother!

Pat said...

My 20 year old grandson just boarded a plane this morning for a vacation in LA, and when he returns, he is buying his first home...times goes to fast. I envy your sweet moments.

Karen said...

Poor baby. Shared naps are the best though, aren't they?

I love Willa Cather's stories.

Cazza said...

Aint life grand when you're in my world!!!