Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, September 01, 2008

I Pass Along this Idea to You

Sometimes when I have a migraine, it comes with the ability to think clearly in only one direction. Other times, I cannot think at all.

I'm never sure if the ideas I have on those occasions are good ones, or not, so I shall let you decide. Anyway, maybe it is already being done and I just haven't heard about it.

Wouldn't it be LOVELY if car places also provided another service while you waited?

What a great idea this would be for a husband and wife to do together!

While the husband does body work or mechanical repairs, the wife could give massages, do hair and nails or provide some other equally helpful service.

Doctor's offices could learn from this too. Especially the ones that require a 'driver' for the patient.

I used to be critical about my dad's eye doctor having such an odd supply of magazines. They were ALL about boating, finance and running. Or were unbelievably old.

My critical spirit was quelled when I heard an impatient non-patient ask why they had such crummy magazines. The woman responded, "Oh, we HAD others, but they've been stolen."

That has nothing at all to do with the general direction of this post, but, that's what you get from me. A possible good idea with a side of detour.

My weekend has been great, so far. Famke has recovered nicely. Saturday we had a family picnic at Daughter and Son-in-laws. YUM. All the good stuff.

Sunday Pake took Jonge for one last dance around the splash pad at the local park.

Then, we headed out to Grand Haven, where it was hot and sunny, not the best combination for headachy me. But, I did okay.

And, because I love THGGM I did not insist that we stay for the Musical Fountain, which he abhors. I LOVE it. It brings back memories for me of Oldest Son as a very young boy talking in the backseat of the car on the drive home of how he could replicate it in our backyard. This while sipping Dr. Pepper through sandy straws of red licorice.

Ah, those where the days, my friend.

But, these are the days, too.

Now, could someone start that business? We can't, because THGGM knows absolutely nothing about the internal workings of a car, and I don't get my hair or nails done. But THGGM can do hair. He does mine. This weekend, with a dull craft scissors, because it needed to be done and I could not find the haircutting scissors. Hmmm. Maybe I could learn to change oil, or something. Do you need a license for that?

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