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Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Day

"Middle age is when you've met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else." - Ogden Nash
I have been 50 for EXACTLY three months. I've gotten pretty good at it, too.
Just to name a few, no eating late at night, no coffee after 3:00, absolutely NO getting up quickly without remembering that joints I never even knew I had now hurt upon sudden movement.
In exactly one month from today, THGGM will turn 50. He has A LOT to learn about this 50 thing. He injured his back during our move last year. Not that he is one to complain - that's my arena. But seriously, I think he believes that some day it will STOP hurting (i'm not going to tell him - YOU tell him). It will probably hurt for quite some time.
The most shocking change has occurred. After THIRTY years of marriage, he has suddenly started to read. Youngest Son got him started, and now he cannot stop. I'm sure this is also good for his back, as it gives him something else to do besides painting walls that look perfectly fine to me and moving furniture which looks good where it is already.
Presently he is reading "A Severe Mercy" by Sheldon van Auken. I LOVE this book. So much so that it was required reading when we home schooled. I'm sure I've read it at least three more times since then.
Do you know how WONDERFUL it is after THIRTY years of marriage to finally have books to talk about?
That's what he did today. After he mowed the lawn and trimmed the bushes.
Me? I never even stepped outside the door. I emptied another box of children's books and found some more treasures. Time really does fly, as I found books that Jonge loved and Famke has never even seen (ohhhh...the FUN we shall have tomorrow!).
I made potato salad and we had a nice little 'inside' picnic. Just the two of us.
For fun, I made bookmarks out of the flashcards I bought over the weekend.
We both need them now.


Melissa said...

cool bookmark! ;)

Anvilcloud said...

It's an odd thing; it hurts more but life feels better somehow.

Debra said...

Great post! Next year I will turn the big 5-0..... I am wondering how I will handle it. Already I am making the changes you mentioned and more...sigh... Oh well! And I know what you mean about watching your husband change... It's wild when they start doing different things out of the blue, huh?! :)Blessings, Debra