Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No Title Night

My day was absolutely fantastic.

Right up until I took Jonge and Famke outside to smell flowers and look for bees.

I got one of those horrible eye migraines.

Thankfully, they happily walked back into the house with me. Sometimes, they do not want to come in, and act their ages about it.

This time, you would have thought they had been handed a script.

We cuddled up together on the couch and read Sandra Boynton books. They know those, so not much is required of me.

I must look AWFUL, as THGGM has been most kind and helpful all evening.

Oh, what am I saying, he is always kind and helpful.

(oh, no. might that be because i always look awful? no energy left to think on that tonight.)


MissKris said...

Oh, honey...I have days like that, too, and yesterday was one for me as well. I'm finally off my dreaded antibiotic and feeling quite a bit better, but those whirl-a-gig 2-year-old power house days can get to me so my tail is really dragging by the time the little guys head home. I'll pray for you...migraines are awful, awful, awful.

daisymarie said...

Perhaps a script or divine intervention of angelic proportion. I usually have to carry Asher in like a screaming sack of potatoes.

ryn: When I posted the pic of the three on the lion I thought of making a reference to Narnia, but wasn't sure anyone would get it...I should have known better!