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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oh Saturday, You Pass Too Quickly

Today was such a lovely day.
Truly, I cannot remember a more perfect summer.
Not that I go outside much, but still. It's so nice to recline in the worn-out comfort of an old couch on the breeze-way and talk to THGGM while he swings on his porch swing.
It's a great arrangement. I'm inside and have a lamp for reading, and he is outside dodging bats.
But tonight I have no one to talk to as I recline with my pile of newly thrifted books. He is at an IMAX showing of The Dark Knight with Oldest Son.
To stave off the extreme loneliness of having the ENTIRE HOUSE ALL TO MYSELF I started a blog. Yes. Another one. Not that I don't already have my fair share of blogs.
Let's see.., I have one for Jonge, one for Famke, this one, Plethora, and Inky Fingers. I shall keep Plethora, as it has posts from my Aunt and Uncle's charming country home in Wisconsin and many posts of our last home, which is no more. I'm not sure what to do with Inky Fingers, which means I probably should just delete it.
The new one, which I hope to add to on at least a weekly basis is Simply Thrift at www.simplythrift.blogspot.com
I have a few posts up already, so feel free to run along over there and see what I thrifted today!

1 comment:

MissKris said...

I'm heading over there as soon as I'm done here. We've had 4 days of 100+ degree weather. Yesterday was soooooooooooooooooooo humid. If that's a foretaste of what you have in YOUR part of the country, you're welcome to it, ha! Dear Hubby and I had one of our 'slumber parties' at 4 am yesterday morning. I was up all nite with the 'trots' and finally gave up sleeping - sleeping?! What's sleeping?! - at 3:30. Our little 'party' helped make a miserable nite more easy to bear, knowing he was there in the dark with me, sipping coffee and chitchatting. We are so blessed to have "our" men, aren't we, Judy? I hope Jonge's on the mend now, too.