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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Christmas Is Three Months from Today

This means that if you are planning to make gifts you'd better at least be off to a good start.
Last weekend I found a box of "Country Woman Christmas" books still in a box in my garage.
You do know what that means, don't you? It means that I did not use them last Christmas.
Oh, well. I can barely remember last year, let alone last Christmas.
Even though I am about as far from being a country woman as a person can get, I do get enthused and overly excited just thumbing through these books!
My usual MO is to look for all sorts of new and interesting things to make, and then as the holidays approach I realize that what I will actually do is make the same old stuff.
Because, as I keep telling you, I'm boring, and I happen to LIKE the same old stuff.
Over and over and over.
(oh.., this was the third thing that i could not remember in the post below.)


Karen said...

It's been a long time since I've made gifts for Christmas. But I ordered my first gift for online shopping -- does that count?

anonymous said...

We're going to Disney right before Christmas this year so I told my family that they were all getting antenna balls (those little topper things)from Disney World. I wish I could get away with it.
I have a tendency to put a lot of thought into gifts...I either make them or need to find the perfect gift for each person. I end up really stressed out because it gets right down to the wire. Hopefully someday I'll learn to start a little earlier in the year!

Karen said...

P.S.Hope you're having a good weekend. Check out my blog when you get a chance, there's something over there for you:)


joyce said...

be still about that thing that is so-and-so far away. I havenèt saved any money.

Jill said...

This is my first child's birthday. Christmas came early for us that year!