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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

No Joybells Ringing in My Heart Today

I took my dad to the doctor this morning.
There he was declared to be good for another 100,000 miles.
Always good news.
It seemed as if we drove 100,000 thousand miles just to get there.
How so many detours could be going on at the same time is beyond me.
I saw parts of the city I had only heard about on the news. Not the 'good' news, either. Good grief. I'm also not a fan of driving, and driving into the sun? Even less of a fan of that.
But. my Tuesday rant is about Mr. Roger's Neighborhood no longer being on PBS. How DARE they! I did have about a dozen episodes saved, but cleared them off when we were recording the Olympics. Now I only have four. One of Mr. Roger's being fondled by Coco the gorilla - very interesting but a bit weird. The one with May Sarton and Chris de Vinck (which also shows a cat giving birth), an episode at the zoo where they wash a baby elephant and one more.
If that isn't sad enough, PBS can no longer run Signing Time. But I do have all of those saved.
I tried not to whine, cry and carry on when HGTV removed Carol Duvall. Really, I did. In fact, I don't think I've ever mentioned it.
But, Mr. Roger's and Signing Time!? I am weeping openly and unashamedly over this. These were the only two things Jonge, Alayna and I enjoyed watching together. And, we learned SOOO much!
So. There you have it. One knows one's life is good when the worse thing that happens is the loss of the only television shows you dearly enjoyed watching.
(I have a migraine.)
If Decorating Cents is taken off of HGTV I shall have fits. It is now the only thing I watch.
Well. Now that THAT is off my chest, I am on my way to bed. To finish "Mrs. Dalloway". Now there's a looooooong day.


daisymarie said...

I heard this the other day and immediately thought of you. I'm sad, too.

Melissa said...

I don't watch television so I didn't know what I was missing.