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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Right In Ones Own Backyard

Pake had Jonge and Famke outside Friday. They were smelling flowers and watching for bees, one of our most favorite things to do!
Famke tossed a toy into the Sedum, and look what Pake discovered when he went to retrieve it.

A pair of mating mantis'

It is simply amazing, what is going on in ones own backyard.

So very very amazing.
(click on photos to enlarge)


anonymous said...

I'm laughing at these photos because these insects have such PERSONALITY! They look shocked to be caught in the act! I wonder if she ate him when she was done with him. Isn't that what they do?
Great photos Judy. I'm always entertained here :)

MissKris said...

Isn't it one of Life's sweetest delights, watching the world and nature thru the eyes of our grandbabies?! My younger brother, who is an avid bird-er, came over to visit with me for a few hours yesterday and he helped me identify a lot of the birds that paused to visit in the Japanese privet tree outside my front windows here. Now I can put names to them for Dylan. I can identify some species, but since this tree has grown large enough to accomodate birds it's amazing how many different kinds stop to roost thru the day! He's taking off in October for another 'birding' trip, this one to Ecuador. He and his wife will be flying down into the Amazon River basin and going off in to the jungle. More power to him!!! I let HIM do the traveling...I sit back and enjoy his photos once he's home, haha! He's become an amazing photographer of birds and his pictures are amazing.

Melissa said...

What a delightful find. I would have been thrilled beyond words to find this pair!! Lucky you!!

Karen said...

What a beautiful pair. I always feel as though I've been blessed with good luck when I see a praying mantis. And to see two. Wow. And they do seem to have personality. Love Lanie's comment!