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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Wednesday in September

Jonge and Famke both have colds.
But that didn't stop us from spending the afternoon outside in the fresh air and sunshine.
All three of us had GOOD naps.
Jonge helped me knock the seeds out of the sunflower. I want this same kind next year, so I kept some and he fed the rest to the birds, who were very happy to get them. He called it 'his work' and took it all rather seriously. Going to work involved kissing Famke and me good-bye and running across the lawn to scatter the seeds.
Famke's cold comes with a bit of a cough. She cannot yet walk and cough. So, she would be walking, start coughing and fall to the ground. It would have been very funny, it it weren't
so sad.

The three of us also dead-headed some of the black-eyed susans.
This beetle appeared, and I took a great many pictures of him. Bugs can be very beautiful.
This one looked like he was made of copper.

I'm not sure what this plant is.
When it was blooming, I thought it was a butterfly bush. I shall have to look it up.
While we were poking around in the flowers, Famke got all excited. There was a bunny! Oh, she does like bunnies! She saw it first. So glad it was a bunny.
Between the bunnies and the woodchucks, I can't believe we have any plants left.

And look at me!
I am wearing socks!
Of course, I hadn't had them on for even five minutes before I stepped into a puddle of water deposited by an ornery cat who upturns bowls if I do not feed him according to HIS schedule.
Jeans, socks and even shoes.
Ahhhh. I LOVE this weather.
(i could do without the colds, though.)
Speaking of cats and grandchildren...
I came into the kitchen to discover Jonge holding the cat in what could only be described as a half nelson. Famke was squatting right in front of the cat making cute little girl sounds, like "ooooooh" and "aaaaaaah".
Caring deeply for my cat I quickly ran over while saying, "Let the kitty go!"
Suddenly Jonge lifted up his hand with his index finger held high and announced, "I GOT it!".
Something black and icky was on his finger.
Famke clapped and said, "yea!" She does that. Too funny.
Jonge looked at me and said, "He had an eye-booger, and I got it for him."


Anvilcloud said...

Our cat is deeply afraid of Smudge. He heads for the hills -- or the depths.

daisymarie said...

And this is why we don't have a kitty...I didn't think anybody else called them eye boogers!

Marguerite said...

The first time I heard the term "eye booger" was in my vet's office when she plucked one off my dog. Obviously it's a highly scientific medical term.

That pretty bug in your picture is a Japanese beetle. Totally undesirable but very pretty when not eating your favorite plantings.

Melissa said...

Okay - I can't remember the rest of the post because I am grossing out over kitty's eye boogers.

Pat said...

That plant looks like pop-beads, remember those? You're probably too young. Oh how I hate saying that any more! I'll be curious to find out what they are.
I've got the same shoes, socks and jeans on today. We're twins...well sort of.

Yvonne said...

We call them "Eye Goobs" - but Eye Boogers works too!

anonymous said...

That plant is Pokeweed :) It is poisonous raw. I dont' know that I'd eat them anyway but they sure are pretty :) http://www.altnature.com/gallery/pokeweed.htm
I've always called eye boogers EYE BOOGERS...isn't that what they are? Or sleepers when they're crusty. Or crusties. I guess I have lots of names for them. All I know for sure is that Noah seemed to think sleepers were a delicacy when he was little. ew.
I hope you're staying dry. I can't believe this rain...I've had enough already.

Judy said...

Over here, it was the uncles who first used the words 'eye boogers' on poor little Famke. They would pass her back to her mommy if she had one, and with her eye problem, she almost always has one.

I DO remember pop-beads! I LOVED mine!

Pop-beads would be nicer than pokeweed, I think. I was curious whether or not they are poisonous. Now that I know they are, I shall think about removing it when I pull up the iris'. Thank you for the link, Lanie. And I AM sick of the rain.